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The welcome and introductions... please place your name in the chat, as well as the division you represent... and the best part of the Olympic Games... one of the norms or expectations I just wanted to clear up is,   we only have a 1-hour meeting... already 3 minutes in... we only have a 1hour meeting today... so... if we look... she's on the top right hand... er... top left hand side of my screen, but wherever she might be, Kelly O'Keefe is our Vice-President and she's also our great timer. So, she will... those you that are reporters... at the 3 to 5... or probably after... at about the 4 minute mark, Kelly will put a little symbol up at the top hand... so, if you're sharing your screen or anything, just remember your time and remember to pay attention to Kelly so she can kindly remind you that it's about time to wrap up your report there. So, we do have to review the May meeting minutes... those are in the agenda right now... so, if we can take a look at those minutes... our wonderful Chancellor, Dr. Nasse, is here too... so, [chuckles] if you want to look at the minutes,  you can see what we've been up to... but we will... we will vote to approve the minutes... and then we'll get started on our regular meeting... so, if we could take a few minutes to look that over... and then I'll be looking for a motion to approve. I think I just like ice breakers because they crack me up... and I'm appreciate... appreciative that someone put the ice breaking [chuckle] competition in... not ice breaking... I'm sorry... [chuckles] break dancing? ---Maggie Golston: We do have a motion on the floor and a second. ---Denise Reilly: Okay... thank you... senators, if you could approve  the minutes in the chat... so, senators only... if you could approve the minutes in the chat by saying yay or nay... that would be great. Thank you Maggie. Okay. I'll let Maggie our fabulous secretary count those up... in the meantime while she's reviewing that... do we have any requests for agenda modification or executive sessions? I don't hear any requests... do we have any items or requests for open forum? I don't hear anyone for open forum. And do we know if we have a quorum for the minutes? Or if we have a quorum in general. ---Maggie Golston: Yes... quorum... minutes approved... we're good. ---Denise Reilly: Excellent... thank you so much... okay... so, here's the official... [chuckles] Welcome to faculty senate 2024... All College Day... we still have a few people entering the room... I love that we have the 4:00 time, which means that everybody will move right along, so we are done at 5:00... it's been a long day, but a wonderful day and a wonderful start to the '24-'25 academic year. and we do have a fabulous welcome from Dr. Jeffrey Nasse, who we saw this morning at the TCC... and all the fabulous presentations that were there this morning... but I let Dr. Nasse know that he is welcome to attend any meeting possible... even if it's a pop-in for 10 minutes... 5 minutes... and that typically, when that happens, we just kind of adjust and take a pause from whatever we're doing and let him have the floor. So, that's the honor that you get here at Pima Community College... [chuckles] and in the desert... we're just going to go off with the Florida to Arizona... this is what happens when you're in Arizona, you get the floor right away... so, Dr Nasse, I give you the floor... and then we'll continue on with our meeting. ---Dr. Jeffrey Nasse: Thank you so much Denise... I really appreciate it. Of course, you know... when I heard there was a faculty senate meeting here on the first...   you know the welcome... the All College Day... yeah... I definitely want to come in and just... again, re-emphasize a commitment to partnership and collaboration... I really do see our work together as a true partnership. You know, I think it's essential as we continue to try to meet students needs. Of course, I kind of come from the faculty perspective... not saying that we'll always agree on everything... but that's kind of how I see the world... certainly, right... that's kind of the mission of the college... that's where it really happens, right... students come to the college to meet with faculty and learn things... and... and so, I just really want to be supportive, you know... I'll certainly hang out a little bit and see what's what's going on... I'm interested in, certainly, the faculty's well-being and growth... and so... definitely in a posture of listening... and I'm really looking forward to kind of getting together in... in smaller groups on the campuses and seeing you in your offices and love to visit people in their classes...    you know, I want to do all that stuff to really, you know, make sure I'm keeping, you know, my finger on the pulse    if you will, of what's happening with our faculty... so, I'll be relying on the faculty to reach out to me...   and my doors always open... and love to talk to you... interested in learning, like, what you see as significant challenges facing our faculty... facing our students... where do you see opportunities for Innovation or Improvement... I was really pleased to see the AQ participation... I believe in that program.... that's a... I know that there's lots of data around... students just doing better in courses taught by AQ certified faculty... so, that's really outstanding. So, anything I can do to support... I'm interested in all departments and what's happening with our faculty... and that's why I'm here... so, it's getting ready to rain, I mean, it's more and more like Florida, it's very rainy in the afternoons here...it's a lot of similarity... so, but thrilled to be here, and eager to learn and listen... listen and learn something here today at senate... hopefully this is a streak... I can start a streak of attending faculty senate meetings because I certainly want to be in a in a place to support. ---Denise Reilly: That is great... thank you so much. When you say streak, I'm thinking of my teenage kids and streaks in Snapchat [chuckles] So, it's good to hear the word streak... ---Dr. Jeffrey Nasse: I don't even know what that means. [laughs] ---Denise Reilly: It's great to hear streaks that don't relate to your child like necessarily needing to communicate back to everybody right away... so, yeah... so, let's continue the streak. This is a 1 hour meeting, so typically we start with introductions and then we go into our reports. This meeting in particular, as faculty Senate officers, we thought thought it would be a great opportunity because typically there are some other guests that come to our first meeting of the year, and maybe not faculty Senators necessarily, but we thought it would be a good idea to really talk about what is faculty senate, what's the purpose... and then for each of us that are reporting, talk about why we report at faculty senate... like, what is our responsibility and why are we reporting here... so, at this time right now,   I think I'm going to share my screen, if I can do this correctly... but let me know if I'm not doing it correctly... and then... figure this out... okay... I think I'm sharing... am I sharing the agenda correctly... or not? ---Kelly O'Keefe: Yes... we can see it Denise. ---Denise Reilly: Okay, perfect... so, if I go to faculty senate purpose on the agenda... am I still sharing it Kelly... correctly? Opening to... ---Kelly O'Keefe: Yes. ---Denise Reilly: Okay, just making sure... I have 3 monitors and sometimes I'm used to being at home with just one... so I want to share what the purpose of Faculty Senate is first... and so, this was something we created anyways for the faculty Learning Academy, which Ana Jimenez led... and it was... it was wonderful. So, any new faculty welcome... and it was just something we put together to talk about... what is faculty Senate. So, we thought it's a great opportunity to meet your representatives... the great thing that we like about our officer team is that we're very collaborative and we keep really good records... at least we think we do. [chuckles] And so, if you go to the web page, you'll see that we have minutes... we have notes... everything should be very clear here... your divisions are represented here... based on feedback from last year we actually added instead of just the faculty senators that represent, we actually added what specifically they teach, and whether they're full-time or part-time... so, you can see that we have a few vacant seats but otherwise we're pretty full... you can see that we have our meeting schedule for the year, and typically, we're the first Friday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00... we did add a change in here that I wanted to note...   in that we plan on December 6th and  May 2nd... so, the last meetings of our semester,   would be a HyFlex meeting at Downtown Campus... so, that is our goal, if everything works out right, [chuckles] is that we will have a combination meeting rather than just all virtual... and then the last thing to add... if you ever want to look at our Charter documents... and especially meeting resources... this is what we like... we have some great, great support from Mike Rom here at the college, and other web IT folks that help us out... but you can see that all our agenda, minutes, video, and transcripts get posted pretty quickly...   and they're organized for everyone to view... so, if you want to see what's happening here, you can simply go there. That's our officer team... they'll introduce themselves... and I shared with you the meeting schedule already... but the little blurb here is just that, all are welcome, meetings are open... so, as you can see, even in here, we have a lot of administrators that attend in here... we have others that present from across the college, and we have full-time faculty, adjunct faculty... all are welcome... and these meetings are recorded, obviously. So, what is the purpose of faculty senate... well, we serve as the representative body of all faculty... we participate in the governance processes and I appreciate that Dr. Nasse mentioned shared governance this morning at our meeting... and some of the things that we do... and wanted to give you a snapshot... I wanted some clear data... and thank you Kate Schmidt for finding this data for me this week... we currently have 280 full-time faculty right now... that is 266 instructional faculty and then 14 Librarians. So, that's the full-time faculty allocation... 280 faculty... currently, just as an FYI... this number, of course, can change... it can't... classes are canceled or added, but we have 751 adjunct faculty, also in the fall schedule... scheduled for teaching a class... so, that is who we represent we represent all of you. So, the things that you can see on here, I don't  need to read them to you, but the, you know, academic freedom from HLC... Academic Excellence, you mentioned AQ and professional development... we also have our new executive director here, who's going to talk about professional development... we are committed to equity, student learning, student success... and moving on... we oversee college-wide academic matters... so, anything that affects academics at the college, that is something that typically goes through us... we ensure our perspective is included with shared governance once again... we do lead and advocate for proactive development of policies... we talk a lot about policies, processes, practices... always working to refine and improve our practices and our policies... and of course, we want to maintain   collegiality, civility, respect, and we really, really encourage transparency... that's something that the   last few years has been a goal of the officer team,  is to encourage transparency, communication... and to also improve efficiencies within our systems...  we do have a charter there... so that is our main purpose.  And then, the higher learning commission  assumes that these are the practices that faculty do... so, these are also in there... I think that's my time here... so, that's just a snapshot of what faculty senate is about... but at this time I'm going to go ahead and stop sharing my screen... if I do this correctly... stop sharing. And I'm going to go ahead and go to the Provost, who is now delivering a Provost Report with Dr. Dolores Duran-Cerda... and I think I saw her in there... yes. ---Dolores Duran-Cerda: I'm here... thank you Denise... and good afternoon everyone... happy All College Day... it's great to see you. I saw a lot of you at the Tucson Convention Center and now here... and this is great that we're having our first faculty senate meeting of the year... the academic year. So, just to refresh our memories, and to those of you who may be new to senate... the Provost is the administrative liaison to faculty senate... and so, I'm the one dedicated to you, and I am really looking forward to this year... we really want to focus on communication, as we've said all morning today... and then, Denise and I met last week I believe, and we talked about, you know, strengthening our communication as Provost and faculty senate President... and we also will be holding meetings   with the senate officers and administration... including our new Chancellor, on a monthly basis, but in between then and the next faculty senate meeting, Denise and I will will talk about   what is it that you would like to achieve in... through faculty senate... some of the things that we talked about was clear global communication on events... on faculty related issues... even the Provost office, there's been some changes, so we're working on an org chart... there's some differences... so, I want to make sure that everybody understands... who's part of the Provost office and who's reporting to whom... so, that's in the works... and everybody will have clarity on that... also, we're going to continue with the Academic Affairs Forums... we had been holding them prior, before I left to serve as interim Chancellor... and we were doing them, I think, 2 a semester... but I think, because of the HLC visit... and Denise and I talked about this... they're probably holding 1 Academic Affairs Forum in October... that way we don't interrupt our our focus on the HLC visit, which will be happening in December... and then, All College... excuse me, All Faculty Day... I wanted to get your thoughts... and Denise and I will work on a survey... I know you did a survey before... that may be a refresher... if you liked having it... if we should we go back to having it in January, or was... everybody was there at the same day... or doing it virtually or in-person... or like last year, we waited a little bit into the semester, because I think it was like 2 days before classes started, and a lot of you felt you needed the time to prepare for your classes... so, we're we're going to talk about that too, like when you'd like to hold it... as well as continuing our Data Days... I know that was very useful for many of you...  looking at data and how we can disaggregate data and how we can apply best practices in teaching and learning    for the success of our students... so, lots of things to be thinking about. And the purpose of the Provost Report is to inform you... to make... to give you a heads up   on initiatives that we're working on... and you'll  receive every month the traditional report that's kind of lengthy, has a lot of topics, but here at faculty senate I want to focus on certain things, and ask you questions... and make sure we  have a great understanding and communication. So, with that, Denise, I'll pass it back to you...  thank you... it's great to see everybody. ---Denise Reilly: Thank you so much, Dr. Dolores Duran-Cerda... and thank you so much for your welcome remarks this morning, they were great... we really appreciate that, and thank you again, for mentioning the All Faculty Day last year...   we had the same issue, called calendar creep, where  faculty were on contract just a couple days before   the school... [chuckles] you know, the semester starts... so, it's either syllabi or [chuckles] go to an All Faculty Day... and faculty decided that was too soon... so, we decided  to have the professional development day later...  however, one of the issues was, attendance was a lot lower, because it wasn't... you know, it was a Friday   some people were teaching, couldn't make it... but so, we'll we'll send out a survey for that one... thank you. At this point right now, I'm just digging... looking at the chat... sorry, that's my entertainment sometimes... I did notice that a lot of you like the swimming, the gymnastics, all the games... and Snoop... [chuckles] or some of the top responses there... if you did get a chance to watch the Olympic Games. I'm going to share my screen, I think I've got this together again... and this is... Kelly, I always count on you because you're the, like, tech expert here... am I sharing correctly? ---Kelly O'Keefe: Yes. ---Denise Reilly: Thank you... okay... so, we decided we would each share with you a little bit about our job... our specific duty that we have. So, as President, my job is to improve faculty awareness and engagement in college activities   with regular communication... so, last semester  was my first semester as President, and I'll be President through December of 2025... President and President-elect... and so, one of the things   I'm going to make sure, is that we keep up the website with all the faculty information, minutes, everything else... we're going to continue with our practice... we did a great job last semester... we send out notes... Maggie actually takes notes and minutes... I know this is fabulous, but I send out the notes the Friday after the meeting to all senators, so you'll all receive kind of the notes... and then the next meeting that we have... when I send the agenda out the Monday of the Friday meeting, you'll actually see the actual minutes there... and so, I know we have a little bit of a back-to-back meetings because in 2 weeks we have our next meeting. So, that's part of the improved communication with faculty, is making sure you're in the know about what happens in these meetings... organizing the officers... we have meetings... it says we're supposed to meet once a month, but we meet a lot more often than that... so, our officers... we meet twice a month... we make sure there's technology needs... like I said we're trying to do a couple hybrid meetings throughout the year, because some of you mentioned missing kind of meeting in person... organize the officers to plan for the monthly meeting... I meet with the Provost, as Dr. Duran-Cerda just said, and relevant administrators once a month... and by the way, once a month, all 5 of us meet with administrators for an hour and a half... so, that's kind of the in the know, what's going on, what's... finger on the pulse as Dr Nasse said... that is like, what's going on with faculty, what are faculty saying, what is administrator, you know... where are we going, what's needed right now... and then, we also represent the faculty senate and college-wide discussions... and then, we centralize faculty participation... this is something that we'll talk about more throughout the semester... but 1 project that we've been talking about for a while... those of you that have been here a while... Rita and myself [chuckles] have been talking about this for years... we've been wanting to kind of centralize this committee participation... we started kind of doing it ourselves... Kelly had a spreadsheet going around to figure out what her faculty were participating in... and I think it'll be much easier this year to coordinate committee work, tas forces... task forces, sorry... and all the other work that we're doing off load sheets within the first few weeks, and I know that Kate Schmidt is going to be helping with that initiative... so, that is what the President does... and then, I will turn it over to Kelly O'Keefe, our fabulous Vice-President. ---Kelly O'Keefe: Thank you Denise... I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen as well... let's see here... hasn't popped up... but this storm is really making things slow. ---Denise Reilly: Oh, thank you for saying that... we've had a lot of people in the chat, text... and [chuckles] text email... I've got things going on everywhere saying I'm caught, I'm stuck... so, we don't mind... we're just letting people in and out... because that's happening regularly. ---Kelly O'Keefe: Right... so, I am the Vice-President, as Denise mentioned, my name is Kelly O'Keefe... I am also the department head for Health Information Technology... a department that is in the Business IT division under Jim Craig... and the Vice-President is one of the executive officers who attends all of the faculty senate officer's meetings... and the meetings with administration. Denise had mentioned that all 5 officers are expected to attend those meetings and that's part of my responsibility. I also assist the President and representing the faculty senate in college-wide discussions... and I'm responsible for roll call now... what that means is, I create that Google form that you do for the sign-in [chuckles] for each month... and then we make sure, based on who's responded, that our senators are present and attending... and we make sure to communicate with those that haven't been able to attend for whatever reason. We want to make sure that every division has proper representation for faculty Senate. I also establish and maintain the etiquette and norms of faculty senate meetings... so, if the timing issue comes up, that's me... and that's why Denise had mentioned, you know, when you're giving a report or a business item, to look at my little square, because I will be giving you those little indicators... and when possible I'll make it jazzy, right... with the finish line flag... that's how you know that you have 1 minute  left... and then, when that minute is up, unfortunately, I'm the one that has to jump in and say... hey, I'm sorry, but your time is up... we have to stay on track here... so, that's part of my responsibilities as well. Also, I ensure that all new faculty are educated on the procedures and protocols of the faculty senate... and I supervise elections with the support of our wonderful secretary, right now that's Maggie Golston... and the contacts with the senators who are not attending like I mentioned before... and if necessary, I also communicate with the division Dean... I really don't want to do that.. [laughs] but if for some reason we don't see a faculty senator more than 2 months in a row, then that's when I reach out to them... if I don't reach... if I don't hear back from that faculty senator, then I do have to reach out to the Dean to make sure that their division is being represented appropriately. And... the next slide is just to give you a sneak peak, because the Vice-President is responsible for the elections, that we will be having elections this Fall... September 6th is when we will be accepting nominations... and we will be accepting them until September 30th... the faculty senate meeting is... the nomination... oh, I already gave you the date... and then, the officer positions that are open right now, are President, President-elect, Vice-President, and secretary. So, if you are interested, or you think someone else would be amazing for a position, we will have a nomination Google form that you can submit... and the one stipulation is that they must be a faculty senator. So, a faculty senator can run for one of the officer positions... and then, we also have some renewals or votes within the division, if you will... for the faculty senator position... so, if you're interested in representing your division... these divisions are the ones that will have elections this term, to start next term... so, Applied Technology, Arts, Business and IT, Health Professions, Mathematics... PimaOnline is listed there... that's still up in the air, and you know, whether they're going to keep representation... and then Sciences... so, those are the areas that we'll need to either hear from current senators and their Deans, saying...   yes, they're still representing our area... or if they're not interested in serving again, we need to know that as well... so we know what positions are open and what can be nominated for... and that is it, I believe, for Vice-President... and we'll go ahead and turn it over to, I believe, Maggie. ---Maggie Golston: Hi everybody, I have some very loud dogs... so if it thunders, you're gonna hear, you know, the Cry of the Wild. I am the faculty senate secretary... the moniker  makes me feel a little bit like Joan from Madmen... it's a bit bizarre... I might recommend that we change it to something like, recorder or you know... but anyway... as everyone's described, I attend the faculty senate officer meetings, and keep their minutes. I also participate in the leadership meetings with the Provost and the Chancellor and folks... and I do the notes/minutes tango... I also, at the beginning of of faculty senate meetings, check that we have a quorum... I count votes... sometimes when they're simple votes, I'll just do it live via the chat feed... but sometimes, as... when we do elections for officers, etc... or we're voting on policy... we might do that via Google form... in which case I'll be doing that sort of where you can't see... yeah, I used to be the Vice-President... we switched... so, really... if you have any questions in the keeping  records, moving records around, voting, all that jazz...   you should probably ask Kelly, because she's  way smarter than me... but you can hit me up...   I'm really happy to see you all... welcome back! ---Denise Reilly: Thank you Maggie, that was fabulous... you also got a shout out in the chat for your notes... so, great job. [chuckles] As we move it over to Rita...it's a... I'm just enjoying the chat... I didn't want to leave out break dancing, Simone Biles is a highlight... women's soccer and opening ceremonies... so, I didn't want to leave out some other... and apparently Simone Biles...   I did see her wearing the GOAT necklace... that was pretty cool. [chuckles] So, all right Rita, Board of Governing, uh... Governing Board rep... former... or past President... so, she's well versed in everything too... take it away. ---Rita Lennon: Welcome everyone to our Friday meeting again... I swear, we're gonna have to put this like at the beginning of the morning,  right? So that we're not all sideways and needing wine... [chuckles] not that we're drinking wine right now... administrators... we're, we're perfectly sober, I want you to know that... and of course, everyone who's going to watch this recording later. Now you know why I'm past-President... [chuckles] just kidding... anyway, I am the Governing Board representative, and what I do is... I get to attend all of the Governing Board  meetings... I do try to make all of them in-person. Once in a while, life gets in the way and I have to take them virtually... but I do attempt to... and you know,   I'm definitely watching them diligently, so that I can report back to you at our next meeting   what actually happened at the Governing Board meeting and I have to tell you, this group of Governing Board members... they're a tight group... Denise and I, as you know, we swapped places... she used to be the BOG rep... I was the President... she would tell me all the time... it's like watching with popcorn... and you're just waiting with baited breath for someone to say something... it's not like that anymore... they're very... they're very nice to each other... they're very tame... and although the entertainment factor isn't there... it is really wonderful to see that they're actually working hard to...   for us and our community... so, that's always really nice to see... and as far as what I report to them is basically 3 key items... 3 key takeaways from each meeting... so, I get together with the officers beforehand... and I decide what we're going to... what I'm going to deliver as far as verbal... the report can be longer... the written report can be longer... also, I am attending those officer meetings as well and the administration meetings... I look forward to those with our new administration... and just what we're working on... it's very exciting to see what we're doing, but like actually... how we're going to roll it out, you  know... the results... of course, you know me... I'm a researcher, so I want to see the results... I want to see what we're getting, and how we're going to do it along the way.  So, I'm very excited about that... and also... I serve as a non- voting member...  sorry... that's not that... that's the Governing Board... I serve as a faculty for the All College Council the ACC... if for some reason my teaching schedule doesn't allow for me to make those meetings, we can have another officer, who takes my place. Now, the reason why we don't know just yet... we wait until the student is... has been identified... the student senate.... and then, we try to accommodate their schedule because, of course, they're the most important voice that we need to have... and so, sometimes their schedule doesn't, you know, work with ours... and so, that's why it might be switched out for another one. And then, my other role as past-President... I just get to provide support... it's just wonderful to, you know, give information  or historical perspective of what we did once upon a time... as you know I've been a senator for a long time, and an officer for a couple of years... so, that concludes my report ---Denise Reilly: Thank you so much Rita... so now, you've heard that our elected groups... so, we're all doing this, you know, in addition to our faculty positions... faculty senate officers... but we've all been doing different roles, or been in different roles for a while... and we enjoy working with the administration... we enjoy working with the other parts of the college and moving things forward as a college... so we are very... we're very proud, but we're also very thankful and grateful to all the faculty... like I said, all 280 that we represent, and all... what was my other number? [chuckles] Sorry, all the 751 current adjunct faculty. So, I think it's... I think it's pretty cool that we have representatives from everywhere... and that we're trying to make sure that we're in the know with all things related to different entities here, as well as the Governing Board... so thank you officers... and now, we are... Sean was not able to make it today for the adjunct faculty report but I was going to just share his slide... he's the one that put a picture on there first that kind of made us all put a picture on ours once he did it... so, here comes Sean's report... Kelly once again tell me if I'm on the mark here... or not... yeah? ---Kelly O'Keefe: You're good Denise. ---Denise Reilly: Okay, great... so adjunct faculty committee chair this is Sean Mendoza... Sean's been doing this a while, so, I'm not even sure I know how many years... Rita I'm not sure as past-President, I could even ask you, or tell or anyone... he's been running this ship for quite a while... he works in Business & IT... he serves on the adjunct faculty committee... he's the chair... and so, I'm sure many of you have gotten the invitations, I believe they're on Friday mornings...   he also is the past chair of the All College Council, as Rita was talking about being on the All College Council... he also is an alternate member of AERC... and he's an adjunct faculty representative to the Board. You know, a couple years ago I'm sure others could remember, or have more institutional knowledge, but a couple years ago, he was pretty instrumental with getting, you know... making some changes for adjunct faculty as far as pay was concerned... I think he had a strong hand in the class preparations if a class was cancelled. So, I think him, in concert with Kate Schmidt in the Provost office, worked really hard to kind of make sure to improve the conditions for adjunct faculty, as far as the college is concerned... so, we thank him. He's usually traveling somewhere... I'm not sure where he's at right now... I don't want to say he's at a concert or anything like that,   because you know, that was earlier today... [chuckles] some... I was wondering why a lot of people were gone when they were accepting awards... and then I did remember that today there is a Phoenix concert at 6 pm...  in case... yeah... it could be flash floods, but it could also be that many people are attending the Steve Miller Band, and, uh... [chuckles] their concert... I'm not saying he is... I'm just... anyhow, so... going on from our officer reports... now we have PCCEA with Makyla, who's going to tell you... Makyla Hayes who's going to tell you a little bit about what PCCEA reports on at these meetings... go for it Makyla. ---Makyla Hays: Hi... hopefully you can hear me... and I stay in the meeting... I've been kicked out once... so, [chuckles] you may also hear some good thunder going through that people are posting about in the chat, there's been quite the storm going on up here... I am Makyla Hayes... I am the PCCEA President... and I kind of use my time here in my report to ensure that you know what your faculty association is up to... to give you a little bit of a heads up since we're at the beginning of the of the year... PCCEA as your faculty Association, represents all full-time faculty, members or not. All of our negotiations... all of the work that we do, goes towards all faculty that are full-time faculty... and our official role within the college is working through the All Employee Representative Council and working on policy. So, a lot of times my reports as PCCEA President also include... [chuckles] reports about what AERC is doing, and what policy changes you might be seeing... while faculty senate is really the academic shared governance body for faculty... PCCEA and AERC cover the working conditions and wages of the college... those conditions. So, in case you haven't noticed, your pay has gone up... yay! So in June, the Governing Board voted for the pay raise that we negotiated with administration... and the salary cap has been completely removed... so, all 16 steps are now... have faculty placed on them appropriately throughout the college... everybody got at least a 2% increase in their pay... and there was a 0.5% lift to the salary scale on every step... for every grade... the average salary increase for faculty was about 5.4%, because we lifted the cap... so, we went from being placed on steps 1 through 13, to now 1 through 16... and 72 faculty, out of that 280 Denise just shared, are now on step 16... so, that is awesome... we had created a Faculty Salary Lookup Tool that was sent to all faculty in your email... if you didn't get it and you want to see it send me an email... but it's a Google sheet... and basically you can put all of the factors that affect your pay... and it will tell you what you were supposed to have on your contract... this last year BP 1.25 it is... um... okay... I can get my words all in the right order... let me  try that again... BP 1.25 was updated this past year...   350 00:38:21,420 --> 00:38:29,339 and that is the Board Policy that governs how the  AERC operates and how policy negotiations go... and the Board has now put themselves back as the kind of final say over personnel policy for all wages   and working conditions, which is awesome... we have not had to go to them yet... so that's even better, right... because that means that collaboration is happening, and administration and faculty have been all on the same page. We were also involved with the Faculty Leadership Model... and helping to communicate out the Faculty Leadership Model with the whole group that worked on that... and we've served on many, many different committees. [chuckles] I know, I don't want to list all the ones I'm on, but if there's a committee, I feel like I've been on it lately. Our first meeting of the semester is going to be an All Faculty Meeting, update meeting and listening session... and it's going to be on September 27th... I will email you this, but it's going to be on September 27th,   from 2:30 to 4:30, somewhere on the Downtown Campus...  I have not reserved a room yet.... so, hopefully that time stays... but that's my goal... we want to ensure that there are more opportunities for faculty to interact with their association leadership and representation... so, that is the big thing for this year... you can just look for more communication, and we don't know quite what our priorities are yet, because we are going to survey you first. So, we will be in touch and I'm sure I will have a written report for you in 2 weeks... today was more of a hi I'm here... [laughs] email me if you've got questions. ---Denise Reilly: Well, we thank you so much Makyla... and thank you for talking about the AERC and PCCEA... and you guys, you know... several of you in here  have been instrumental in all of those things that you mentioned before, with salary... um, ah... just everything related to last year and all the changes... so, we thank you so very much... so, I just want to give a shout out and say thank you so much... I realize that we have a really large meeting, with the storm and everything, 64 people are in here,   so, I have 3 screens I'm scrolling through... so, we have faculty... we have senators... we've got Chancellor, Provost, administrators, Deans... we've got... we even have a Board member in here... so, I think this is... yes, librarians... don't worry Keith... I got the shout out... librarians... everyone in here... so, we just really appreciate, and hope that we continue big meetings, with great communication all around from us. So, at this point right now I think... and thank you, Makyla, for your report... I'm sharing once again... or I'm actually just sharing for introducing... I believe the TLC report is next, am I right, Dr. Tinklenberg? ---Jessica Tinklenberg: That's right. ---Denise Reilly: Okay so I'm sharing the screen for you... do we have it up? ---Jessica Tinklenberg: Yep, looks great. ---Denise Reilly: Okay, go for it. ---Jessica Tinklenberg: Thank you so much... and thank you for letting me come and introduce myself to you all... my name is Jessica Tinklenberg, my pronouns are she, her, hers... and I'm brand new to Pima as of July 15th... we actually moved to Tucson about a week ago... so, we're still getting settled into this very different weather than Northern California for sure... I'm really grateful to be here... and to be here representing the Teaching and Learning Center... the Teaching and Learning Center is a resource for all faculty at all of the Campuses across the College... that we support your teaching... promote a culture of exceptional teaching, so that faculty can do their job well... so that all our students can learn. I'm... the team is new, so if you're not familiar with us, it's folks from a wide variety of locations, brought together under the same umbrella of our mission, to promote a culture of exceptional teaching. So, Adam and Brad from the Academic Learning Technologies Team... a whole host of faculty fellows that we have hired, and will be hiring, including our senior faculty fellow, Elliot Mead... and I'm so grateful for their leadership and support. Folks from Online Faculty Development, including Reed Dickerson... Instructional Content Design, Mike Rom... and Tomoko, our instruct... our administrative supporter, Tomoko Lara... and then myself as executive director.   It's a... it's a brand new arrangement but we're super excited because I think it's going to really make an impact on teaching practices and supporting our educators, our faculty... so that you can do the great work that you're already doing even better... our goal for this year is to develop a comprehensive strategic and above all, accessible support plan for faculty   development, in teaching and learning... that accessible piece is so important... so many times Teaching and Learning Centers, you know, bring such a value ad... but we can't share the results   of how that's changing the teaching and learning culture... and we really want to build that in at every step along the way...   and so, we're going to be spending a lot of this first year really making sure we have that structure well established... oops. That doesn't mean... [chuckles] we're going to lose other opportunities to support you but just to let you know that that's really important to us. Some things coming up for us... we're hiring a new instructional designer... we've got plans for developing an advisory task force to help us with the strategic plan... and then, advisory Board... and then some new faculty fellows in outcomes and assessment generative AI, undergraduate research, and care equity and servingness. Happy to answer any questions you might have... but thank you for this opportunity to chat with you all. ---Denise Reilly: Thank you Dr. Tinklenberg... can you all hear me... okay? So, there is this big crackle... [laughs] at Downtown Campus... so, whoever's here probably just heard that, and all the lights... like everything went out, and then it came back on... so, my apologies if... I think Kelly, Rita, Maggie... you all have co-host capabilities... and also, [laughs] if it turns out that   everyone from Down... you lose everyone at Downtown  Campus that's why... [laughs] all of us here. So, yes Diane, okay... we all lost power for just a minute... so, I hope that screen was okay... sharing that. So, thank you Dr Tinklenberg... I missed a tiny piece but really appreciate the... finding out where things are going   in the TLC... finding out who's part of that... and I know that one of the requests that I've made with the Provost, or we've asked the Provost, is to have some org charts come out fairly soon about, kind of, where everybody's at... and I think that those are being updated in HR... so, I think that maybe at some point we can share some of those and find out who's in everybody's area... so, thank you so much. At this point, I think we have Jen Madrid, who's joining us from student affairs going to talk to... thank you for doing that Jen... so, I don't have to worry about it... but take it away. ---Jennifer Madrid: Thank you... hang on, I think I'm sharing my wrong screen here... give me one... ---Denise Reilly: I can share if you need me to... I'm here... you got it... we see it. ---Jennifer Madrid: Is it showing? Oh, I'm... ---Denise Reilly: You're good... you're great. ---Jennifer Madrid: I'm seeing the agenda, which is weird... are you seeing the agenda, or are you seeing my actual presentation? ---Denise Reilly: Seeing your actual presentation. so you're right on ---Jennifer Madrid: All right... okay... that's really odd because on my end I'm seeing the the faculty senate agenda so that's odd... but anyway... hi everyone... faculty, staff, thank you for having me present, and welcome back to another academic year. My name is Jennifer Madrid and I serve as the Dean of students, and I work in student affairs... and I report up through um Dr Irene Robles-Lopez, who's our Vice-Chancellor for the student experience. So, I wanted to just briefly go over, just some of the areas... and it's not all inclusive, but a lot of the areas that student experience oversees... with... and within student affairs... so, we... the importance of me providing week... or monthly updates to faculty senate, is that we like to open those lines of communication between academic advising student affairs and then the academic side of the house. So, I'll always bring forward either updates that are going on in our area, initiatives, anything pertaining to campus safety, items like that... so, I oversee a lot of academic advising... so... which includes advising, counseling, and anything student engagement related... so again, our Vice-Chancellor is Irene Robles-Lopez... we also have Dr. Suzanne Desjardin, who's our Vice-President of student affairs... David Arellano, our Dean of student services systems and access... and then, me as a Dean of students. So, we talk about enrollment advising and program advising... and what's important is just to know that enrollment advising takes place from point of application to first semester registration... and then once a student is registered for their first classes, then they transition over to their program adviser, who they'll stay with for the duration of their program... so, as you see students in your classes, please encourage them to meet with their program adviser at least once a semester, so that they know that they're on track with their degree plan, they're being proactive about academic advising and registration, and then we're proactively offering any support and resources... and that holistic advising... we also have athletic advising... so, we make sure that our athletes are staying in compliance and taking the courses that they need... and not only satisfying their athletic requirements, but also making academic progress. we have career counseling for undecided students, and we have a series of different different things that we have students go through to select a major... and then declare that major... we have academic success counseling, so every student has an academic success counselor, depending on the the program that they're in, that they can go to for help with if they're struggling academically or on a personal level. We have our virtual support team, who works with our third party call center, the 4500 information line for the college... and then any virtual call backs... so, when a student needs to speak to an adviser, they put their name in a queue and they get a phone call from an adviser. We also have external partnerships with UofA Online, just to name a few... we partner a lot with Pearson partnership with PimaOnline and various other partnerships. We also have ADR, Access and Disability Resources... we have our Code of Conduct Office, who also serves on our Bad or Behavioral Assessment Team... we have the PCC Police Department... we have Student Life and First Year Experience... so, all things student engagement, clubs, events... and then we have our Veteran Student Services... and then, under all of that what we're really going to be focusing this year is on initiative... so, you heard about the First Generation Initiative this morning a little... we're really trying to scale that up so that we can be more inclusive and offer more to students who are first generation... we know that they come needing resources, but also come with a lot to offer the college... just based off of their familiar... familial experience... so, we really want to engage students... First Gen students... and let them know that we're proud that they're here. So, in student affairs this year we're going to be working a lot on our department goals and how those align with the college goals... so, we're looking to really focus and increase retention, and what we can do to move the needle in student affairs... so, you'll be hearing reports out throughout the year on those types of projects and initiatives that we have in student affairs... thank you, that concludes my update. ---Denise Reilly: Thank you so much Jennifer... and what's really great is the officer team, you know... kind of talking at least a year or so ago... because I think, Jen, you've been doing this for at least a year now... we said we wanted to bridge the gap more and communicate better with instruction and student affairs... and one of the ways to do that was to get a report from Student Affairs, you know, every month, about updates, ongoing things. So, I think it's really helpful for us to know, you know, any new things that are going on and for you to share just some of the ideas and types of topics that you speak about... so, it is much appreciated. I also know that you mentioned Dr. Irene Robles-Lopez, who I believe was in here, and just a quick shout out that she is...   I think she got her 20 year service award today at the Downtown Campus. So, I'm sure there's others in here with service awards as well... Rita and Kelly on 10 years... but I think, yeah, Irene has 20 years... so, I thought that was really, really cool... 20 years that's a long time... [chuckles] so, thank you so much Jen and thank you for the student affairs report. Matej, we did not forget... I saw... [chuckles] as I was looking for more Olympic stuff to check out in the chat, I did notice there were questions about the 21 AP's and BP's... so, I wanted you all to know that I got an email this week, or we got an email this week, as faculty senate officers, that this summer there were a bunch of AP's and BP's that had to... that had to go through, you know, we're kind of in a time crunch with HLC... and one of the things that we've talked about before Board chair Riel... we've talked with her before... is we're looking for a better system, so that we're not getting like 30 AP's at once that need to be revised... [chuckles] from a long time ago... and so, we are kind of... we've been doing this all year long... here's a batch of 20 AP's and BP's... so, that's not the most efficient and effective way to go about it, but for now we're just kind of moving... and these were all ones that were for 21 day comment in the summer... which is a little unfortunate for faculty to not be able to, you know, kind of give any input on these... so they are back out for 21-day comment now... and so, what we decided is this meeting, we were not going to have enough time   to look at... do we have any questions... but what we decided was... and I just found out Jeff Silvyn will be here on September 6th at our... September 6th... our next faculty senate meeting... but what we are being asked is that, if you, as homework... sorry... already, before classes even start... as homework, could take a look at these AP's and BP's...  of course, make your comments on, you know, the 21-day comment... but if there are glaring things that need to be discussed more openly with faculty... please email  us as faculty senate officers, because then, instead of just having Jeff Silvyn on September 6th, we can actually have the representative from that department, whoever is making a change, or a new policy... and so, if there are glaring things please let us know... otherwise, Jeff Sven is going to be in our September 6 meeting, as just a generalist, who knows something about all of these policies   going through... so, they were already looked at this summer but they're back open for 21-day review... Kelly O'Keefe for example found a mistake right away in viewing those with positions and stuff... so, you know, sometimes it just takes a lot of eyes on these to make sure that they're they're right from the get-go. Well, I am so excited that we are with 5-minutes, ending this meeting... and so, yes, yes, yes... we'll still call for... you know, someone to adjourn... but I did want to say thank you... and the AP's and BP's under review and open for 21-day comment are attached at the bottom... we didn't think we were going to have it in there this time, but we at least want you to check them out. And then, September 6th we will definitely take a look at them... and so, much appreciated that if you have any   specific concerns, also let us know, so we can get someone to come in... I know Matej, you're usually really on that stuff, and those those of you in AERC are great policy gurus... so, I'm sure you will maybe find something that we can take a deeper dive with... and then... oh, thank you Rita... don't forget to submit nominees for officers, that's correct... we have a few positions up that are going to be voted on... not next month but the following month I believe, Kelly .. right? So, take... you know... also, we have a few vacancies... Maggie mentioned that earlier in the chat... so, if there are any vacancies, I think we have in Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education, one of my departments... so, if you know someone that wants to be an officer, or you're leaving... if you wouldn't mind letting us know who might take that place... at this point it's 4:56... it is pouring here outside... I can hear it... [chuckles] it's not the lovely visual that Rita has as her background but I would really love one of these rainy visuals... Dr Nacce, I don't know where you're at I know you're  on a campus because of the furniture... [laughs] I don't know if you're at District Office or wherever you're at, but  I'm hearing that it's pouring just about everywhere. [laughs] ---Dr. Jeffrey Nasse: Yeah... I'm at District. ---Denise Reilly: Okay... so please drive safely, everybody... but I still want the... did we get a motion to adjourn? Yay... it's already in there... motion, second... okay... so, I believe this meeting is adjourned. Thank you all... and we'll see you September 6th at our next faculty senate meeting stay safe out there. ---Dolores Duran-Cerda: Thank you Denise. ---Denise Reilly: Thank you all. ---Cynthia Howe: Thank you Denise. ---Unknown: Thank you Denise. ---Unknown: Thank you.