Connect U FAQ
What does CUO stand for?
It is an abbreviation for Connect U Orientation.
What is D2L?
D2L stands for “Desire to Learn” also known as Brightspace. This is the software Pima uses to support and host online learning and coursework. To access D2L:
- Log in to D2L.pima.edu
- Select “Connect U Orientation” in your “MyCourses” section of D2L’s homepage.
- Click “Content” in the top right corner to explore the table of contents and watch an overview video of how to complete Online Connect U Orientation.
Watch a video tutorial of how to access D2L and Online Connect U Orientation.
Why am I getting an error message and unable to access Online CUO in D2L?
Please check with an advisor to confirm you have an orientation hold on your account and need to complete CUO before you can register for classes. If so, then email pcc-fye@pima.edu and provide your Full Name, A# and briefly describe the issue. You'll be manually added to Online CUO in D2L and able to access the course within 24 hours / 1 business day.
How much does Connect U Orientation cost?
Nothing! All versions of CUO (offered on-campus, virtually and online via D2L) are free, zero-credit orientation sessions.
Do I have to complete CUO?
CUO is your orientation to learn how things operate at Pima. You must complete CUO (on campus, virtually via zoom or online in D2L) to have your advising hold lifted which allows you to register for courses.
What is the difference between live and online CUO?
- Live CUO sessions are offered on-campus and virtually via zoom. They are 4.5 hours long, offered various days and times of the week. You must attend the entire session. If you attend CUO on campus, light snacks and water are offered.
- Online CUO is offered through D2L and is self paced. You may complete it at once or in multiple sittings, but you must engage with each module, completing the pre-test and module quizzes along the way, which will help you successfully pass the post-test at the end (you need a score of 60% or better for your hold to be lifted.)
Where can I find the zoom links to join the virtual CUO session I signed-up to attend?
- Check your spam, junk or trash folders if you do not receive a confirmation email after 24 hours.
- Add rforsyth@pima.edu to your contact list.
- Email rforsyth@pima.edu for the event details and Zoom link before your orientation.
How can I reschedule my live Connect U enrollment?
- Go through the same steps to sign up for for a different live session at www.pima.edu/connectu, or
- Email cu-mentors@pima.edu and clarify which session you need to cancel and which session you plan to attend.
Can I attend more than one live CUO session?
This is not necessary since the content for CUO is the same regardless of where and how you complete it.
The only variation is the campus tour. When on-campus, we will walk around to highlight the key resources (which are the same and available at each campus) plus any programs or features that make the campus unique.
A college-wide virtual tour is provided in our virtual and online CUO sessions highlighting these same details for all Pima locations.
Why am I enrolled in both a live session AND the online course in D2L?
You are automatically enrolled in the D2L shell once you complete the admissions application. However, online & self-paced learning is not for everyone, so you have the option to complete CUO through a live 4.5 hour session instead (on campus or virtually via Zoom.)
Go to www.pima.edu/connectu to see our schedule and enroll in an upcoming session.
If you choose to complete CUO through a live session instead, your attendance will be similarly documented and your hold will be lifted. Meanwhile, a certificate of completion will be awarded in the D2L course as backup verification.
You will have continued access to online CUO in D2L for your first 3 terms at Pima so you can use it as a reference tool to be successful in your first year and recall the information you learned.
I completed CUO. Now what?
Once your advising hold is lifted, you are ready for Course Registration. You can register for courses in any of the following ways:- Course Registration Session (highly recommended your first semester at Pima).
- Sign up for a group Course Registration Session where you will meet and work with Advisors from your Program of Study to register for classes.
- Contact your assigned advisor and set up a registration appointment. To identify who your assigned advisor is:
- Login to MyPima. Go to either "My Advisor" or "PimaConnect" widget.
- For your first semester at PCC, contact your assigned Enrollment Advisor.
- After your first semester at PCC, contact your assigned Program Advisor.
- Work with a general advisor to register for courses.
- Sign up for a same-day call back from a general advisor during hours of operation
- Visit any campus’ Student Services Center during hours of operation
It’s been more than 24 hours since I completed CUO and I still have an advising hold. What can I do to get it lifted so I can register for courses?
In case there is a glitch in the system and your advising hold has not been removed 24 hours after completing CUO, please contact an advisor at virtualsupport@pima.edu and ask them for assistance.
Remember to include your full name, A# and documentation that you finished CUO.
For documentation, you can forward them a copy of the confirmation email you received upon completion, or share a screenshot of your “certificate of completion” awarded in the D2L course for CUO.
Why am I still enrolled in Online CUO if I already completed it on campus, virtually or online?
You will have continued access to online CUO in D2L for your first 3 terms at Pima so you can use it as a reference tool to be successful in your first year and recall the information you learned.
Can my family come?
CUO is an orientation designed specifically for YOU, the new student, to learn new tips about how you will experience and navigate PCC, and at the same time, meet new friends before the semester begins.
That being said, you may bring one family member who will be part of your support system. They are welcome to participate in activities and will have the opportunity to ask questions. Due to limited supplies, they will not receive a shirt.
Note: they may not attend in your absence to lift the advising hold. You, as the Pima student, must fully participate and complete the entire session.
How can I request accommodations for CUO?
Contact Access & Disability Resources (ADR) to schedule accommodations.
Note: Captions will automatically be provided for virtual and online CUO.
Will translation be provided at CUO if English is not my first language?
- Read the response about translation options in other languages at this link.