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Jan. 16, 2025
- College Updates
- CQI and ESC to Host Blood Drive Jan. 23
- Cababi Art & Literary Magazine Submission Deadline Extended
- Get Help with Your Community Engagement
- Nominate Your Student Employee for SEOTY by Jan. 31
- Sign Up to Table at Student Employment Week Events
- Submit a Pima Story Idea
- Pima Arts News
- Pima Athletics News
- Employee Wellness
- Sign Up for Virtual Workshops and Challenges
College Updates
CQI and ESC to Host Blood Drive Jan. 23
The Curriculum Quality Improvement office and the Employee Service Center are hosting a Culture of Care Blood Drive on Jan. 23 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Amethyst Room at the Downtown Campus. All blood types are welcome and needed.
Not sure if you’re eligible to donate? Eligibility rules have changed — check the updated guidelines and sign up to donate here. If you have questions, contact CQI or ESC.
Cababi Art & Literary Magazine Submission Deadline Extended
The submission deadline for the 2024-2025 edition of the Cababi Art & Literary Magazine has been extended to Feb. 1. Submit your artwork, photography, creative writing or performance videos here. If you’re interested in volunteering for Cababi, please contact Molly McCloy.
Get Help with Your Community Engagement
The Community Engagement dashboard is accessible on MyPima. There you can:
- Learn more about Pima’s collegewide community engagement and the resources available to you.
- Report your community engagement for posting to the collegewide calendar.
- Sign up for volunteer opportunities to share your subject-matter expertise.
- Share your volunteer opportunities and outreach photos.
If you have questions, contact Joi Stirrup, jstirrup@pima.edu.
Nominate Your Student Employee for SEOTY by Jan. 31
Work Study Supervisors have until Jan. 31 to make nominations for Student Employee of The Year (SEOTY). Take this opportunity to highlight the work of your student employee by completing this form.
Sign Up to Table at Student Employment Week Events
The College’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships is seeking employees and instructors to table at one of its National Student Employment Week events April 14-17.
The event offers opportunities to meet current and future student workers, and share College information and resources.
Anyone interested should fill out this form. You can sign up to table on more than one day.
These are the event details:
- April 14, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: Downtown Campus
- April 15, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: East Campus
- April 16, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: West Campus
- April 17, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: Desert Vista Campus
Submit a Pima Story Idea
The College wants to highlight the incredible achievements of our outstanding students and alums. We need your help! We want stories to inspire current and potential students, stories that deserve to be shared with our community. If you know of any inspiring success stories or remarkable accomplishments by our students or graduates, we would love to hear from you. Please take a moment to share your story ideas. Together let’s shine a spotlight on their achievements and highlight the diverse and remarkable journeys in our Pima community. If you have questions, contact Web Systems.
Pima Arts News
Here are some ongoing and upcoming Pima Arts events:
- Jan. 27-March 7: “Reprieve — Dana Roes Paintings,” Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, West Campus Center for the Arts; Reception: Feb. 6, 5-7 p.m., 6 p.m. lecture by Dana Roes
- Through Aug. 20: “Night Skies: Astrophotography, Michael Cox,” Desert Vista Art Gallery, Desert Vista Campus; Reception: Jan. 30, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Feb. 10-March 28: “Never Don’t Pay Attention — Louise Serpa: Rodeo Photography,” West Campus CFA Visual Arts Gallery; Reception: Feb. 11, 1-3 p.m.
- Feb. 27-March 9: “The Wedding Singer — The Musical Comedy,” Proscenium Theatre, West Campus CFA, 7 p.m., Thursdays-Saturdays, 2 p.m., Sundays; ASL Night: March 7; tickets: $15, $10 Students/Seniors/Military/Groups
Unless noted otherwise, Pima Arts programs and exhibitions are free to the public.
Stay up-to-date on upcoming Pima Arts events by checking the Pima Arts Calendar. For questions, contact 520-206-6986 or centerforthearts@pima.edu.
Pima Athletics News
Pima sports teams have these home events in the next week:
- Jan. 17: Men’s and Women’s Track and Field hosts Jim Miele Multi’s meet, West Campus Aztec Track, 1 p.m.
- Jan. 18: Women’s Basketball vs. Chandler-Gilbert Community College, West Campus Aztec Gymnasium, 2 p.m.
- Jan. 18: Men’s Basketball vs. Chandler-Gilbert Community College, West Campus Aztec Gymnasium, 4 p.m.
Keep up with Pima Athletics at pimaaztecs.com.
Employee Wellness
Sign Up for Virtual Workshops and Challenges
Sign up online for Employee Wellness virtual workshops and challenges.
Visit the Employee Wellness Intranet page to access free resources and tools. Employees also are encouraged to visit the Employee Wellness website for additional resources, news and information on the Pima Healthy Rewards Program and wellness-related activities that qualify for Pima Wellness Activity points.
@PimaNews is an electronic newsletter for employee news of Pima Community College. The Marketing Office publishes this e-newsletter every Thursday, except when the College is closed for a holiday or break, during the semester and every other week during the summer. Please send announcements and news items – 75 words or fewer – to pimanews@pima.edu by noon on Monday. Check any links before sending. Back issues are available on the @PimaNews webpage. The newsletter also accepts submissions about Pima employee accomplishments.