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Resolution on violence against Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi Americans

On March 10, 2021, the Pima Community College Governing Board unanimously passed the following resolution.

Resolution on violence against Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi Americans

Whereas, the United States of America has lost more than 500,000 individuals due to COVID-19, and since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been over 3,000 incidents of violence against Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans. 

Whereas, anti-Asian sentiment in the United States has continued since the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, including racially motivated attacks on people of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American descent. 

Whereas, February 19 is the Day of Remembrance for Executive Order 9066 which called for the internment of Japanese Americans in 1942, further disarming 120,000 U.S. citizens of their first through six amendment rights. 

Whereas, Arizona was one of the states where such internment camps were located, including the nearby Gordon Hirabayahsi location at the base of Mt. Lemmon. 

Whereas, a Tucson church largely attended by people of Asian heritage was vandalized. 

 And whereas, many Asian Pacific Islander and Desi Americans continue to face fear of verbal abuse, female fetishization, injury or death while attending school, going to the grocery store, getting a COVID-19 vaccine, or simply taking a walk. 

Whereas, President Biden issued an Executive Order on January 26, 2021 to combat xenophobia against Asian Americans, especially in light of the pandemic, and urged all leaders to actively commit to enact the order. 

Whereas, the Governing Board supports Pima Community College’s unwavering commitment to social justice through policies and practices that further diversity, equity, and inclusion in our classrooms, offices, and throughout the campus community, for these policies and practices move the College forward and compel us to demand better. 

Whereas, the Governing Board applauds and endorses College efforts to proactively create curriculum and extracurricular activities that give our students the opportunity to hear a multitude of voices discuss and debate critical issues of social justice. 

Whereas, the Governing Board recognizes the long standing Anti-Asian sentiment that exists in our nation and is committed to acting deliberately to create a safe and inclusive learning environment while also offering more programs, initiatives, and efforts to expand the understanding of Asian Pacific Islander Desi individuals in the United States. 

Be it resolved, the College values and embraces broadening its curriculum to include Asian Pacific American Studies courses, acknowledging the necessity of creating academic opportunities to learn about a population that has inhabited the United States since the 1800s.

Further, the Governing Board recommits itself to support faculty, staff and administration in their stalwart pursuit of quality higher education for all who seek it in our community, knowing that education empowers a citizenry that can respond effectively to the challenges that confront them, and is the most powerful tool for changing the world.

Passed unanimously by the Pima Community College Governing Board. March 10, 2021


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