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A paralegal student poses for a photo in a suit in a Pima West campus courtyard

Legal Specialty Course Credit Transfer Policy

As an ABA-approved Paralegal Program, PCC is required to have a written policy for the awarding of credit for Legal Specialty Courses taken at other academic institutions. 

  1. A legal Specialty Course, as defined by the ABA, is a course that: 
    1. covers substantive law or legal procedures or process 
    2. has been developed for paralegals and,
    3. emphasizes practical paralegal skills 

Courses prepared, developed and taught in departments or programs other than the paralegal program ordinarily are not classified as Legal Specialty Courses. 

  1. To accept transfer of Legal Specialty Courses taken at other accredited institutions, the courses must first meet the PCC general requirements for all credits being transferred into PCC (as stated in the PCC catalog) and in addition must be:   
    1. taken from an ABA-approved program 
    2. evaluated by PCC’s Paralegal Program Director (to be certain that the individual courses are equivalent in content, level and length) 
    3. no more than 18 credits of Legal Specialty Courses will be accepted in transfer from other institutions 

Approved by the Legal Assistant (Paralegal) Program Advisory Committee on 4-29-03

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