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A radiologic technologist student smiles in a courtyard at Pima's west campus

Pregnancy Policy

Radiologic Technology AAS

Students must read and acknowledge receiving all information associated with pregnancy and accept all of the risks and responsibilities for their pregnancy. 

Radiologic Technology Program Pregnancy Policy

The National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP) advises that control measures should be taken to avoid or reduce the risk of ionizing radiation exposure to the human embryo or fetus. It should be noted that the risks of detectable effects induced by medical diagnostic exposure are very small.

The program has established the following policy directed toward the protection of the declared pregnant student and the unborn fetus from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The student may elect to voluntarily declare the pregnancy to the program director. The declaration must be in writing. The declared pregnant student has the option to withdraw the declaration of pregnancy at any time. Withdrawal of the declaration must be in writing. In the absence of this voluntary written disclosure, a student cannot be considered pregnant and will continue her educational program without modification.

Declared pregnant students are expected to follow additional protective steps detailed below. 

These measures restrict the fetal radiation dose to not exceed 0.5rem (5mSv), the maximum permissible occupational exposure dose equivalent to the embryo-fetus during the gestational period.

The following procedure shall be followed:

  1. The Department Director will review the student’s previous radiation exposure history. The Director will review with the student the NCR Guide 8.13, protective actions and the risks associated with radiation exposure to the fetus.  Guide available from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  2. After student consultation with her physician and medical certification that a pregnancy exists, the Program Director will offer two options to the student. Medical forms provided by the Program will need to be completed by the physician.  

Option #1 - Leave of Absence During Pregnancy

If the student so decides, she may elect to leave the program during the pregnancy period.

  1. If the student decides to accept this option and leaves the program, she must immediately notify the Program Director in writing.
  2. May postpone entry until the following year if the pregnancy is declared before beginning the program.
  3. An incomplete grade will be awarded for the course(s) in progress. The remaining course work may be completed upon the student’s return; however, it may not be feasible for the student to re-enter the program immediately since all courses are offered chronologically and only once a year.
  4. All didactic and clinical course work must be completed prior to completion and graduation from the program.

Option #2 - Remain in the Program During the Pregnancy

If the student so decides, she may continue in the program under the following requirements:

  1. The student is required to review and implement radiation safety practices as outlined by NCR Guide 8.13.3.
  2. Submit a physical exam report from her physician documenting that she may continue to participate in all aspects of the clinical portion of the Radiologic Technology Program.
  3. Follow all policies and procedures of the clinical education affiliate.
  4. The student will wear two body dosimetry badges. One badge should always be worn at collar level and the other badge at waist level. The waist level badge should be identified as a fetal badge. When a lead apron is worn, the badge at collar level should be worn outside the apron and the badge at waist level should be worn under the apron.
  5. The student should wear a wrap-around lead apron during exposures to radiation. Lead aprons of 1.0 mm Pb, worn at fetal level is recommended. 
  6. The student is required to participate in all scheduled clinical rotation areas as assigned in order to complete required clinical competency exams with the exception of elective Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy optional rotations. 
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