Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take remedial classes?
Remedial/developmental coursework (<100 level classes) taken online cannot be certified, per VA regulations.
How long will it take for me to receive payment?
Average processing time is 30 days, but processing can take up to 45 days. Payment date after processing is dependent on several factors. Call the VA for more information at (888) 442-4551.
How can I get my books while awaiting my VA Payment?
See our Early Book Purchasing Program (EBPP)
What classes can I use with VA Education Benefits?
Only enroll in courses and/or prerequisites that apply towards your degree. You will not be certified for classes that do not fulfill the program of study requirements for your degree. Check your MyDegreePlan or contact your veteran advisor to see what you need to take.
What if I want to use VA Education Benefits for an already completed term?
Contact a veteran advisor, additional stipulations may apply.
Why do I need to send official transcripts from other colleges?
Transfer Credit must be evaluated as per VA policy. Make sure all transcripts are ordered and applied to your student record as soon as possible. The VA will not pay for duplicate coursework. Failure to do so may result in a debt.
Why is there a Veteran Hold on my account?
Registration/ VA Holds are placed on your account (each term) once your classes have been approved for certification by your Veteran Advisor. The hold can be easily lifted by notifying your Veteran Advisor of the changes you wish to make to your schedule.
Why does the VA text me asking if I have remained enrolled as certified?
Chapter 33 -Verification of Enrollment How to Verify Enrollment for Post-9/11 GI Bill® Students video
What happens if I withdraw from a class?
Receiving a “W” (Withdrawal) grade can create an overpayment with the VA and PCC. Your benefit for that class will be terminated from your VA certification. If you are using Chapter 33, you will owe PCC for the tuition and fees associated with the class and you will owe the VA for any payments that you have received in association with that class. Chapters 30, 1606 and 35 will owe the VA for any stipend received in association with that class.
What happens if I fail a class?
Receiving a "F" (Failing) grade: The VA will still pay for your benefit if you receive an “F” grade (failing).
What happens if I drop a class?
A drop will be removed from your schedule and account as if it never happened. Situationally this may create a debt to the VA or college depending on if the VA has sent any payments.
What is SAP/Satisfactory Academic Progress?
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): You must maintain a 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate to use your VA benefit. You will be allowed a Warning period and will be placed on Probation for one more term if you are still not meeting SAP. After that, you will be suspended from using VA benefits. An appeal process is available for circumstances out of your control.
I need to drop/withdraw from my classes due to a life event. Can anything be done to prevent VA/school debt?
Yes, Mitigating Circumstances: The VA will take into consideration circumstances beyond your control, including deployment. Notify your Veteran Advisor of any situations, which prevent you from going to or completing a class successfully. We can help you best, if you let us know what is going on as soon as possible.
Does the VA pay for books/included materials that allow for “opt-out”?
Bookstore charges must be paid prior to the next term’s enrollment period (Only Chapter 31 pays for books outright - though Chapter 33 does pay the student directly a book stipend to pay for books).
IncludED User Fee/Access Materials Charges are not paid for by the VA. Check your student account to see any balance due.
I am using Chapter 33 - why hasn't the VA paid my tuition yet?
Chapter 33 Tuition and Fees are reported to the VA after the drop period for each part of term. Your enrollment is certified first to initiate your MHA and Book/Supplies stipend.
What is W.A.V.E.? (Chapter 30/1606)
Chapters 30 and 1606 must complete the W.A.V.E. Verification of Enrollment on the last day of every month, in order to initiate monthly stipend payments. http://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do or (877) 823-2378. (Chapter 33 will be required to do this starting 08/01/2021.)
What do I need to be certified for Chapter 31/Veteran Readiness and Employment?
Chapter 31/VA Veteran Readiness & Employment: A VR&E Authorization, in addition to your certification request, must be received from your VR&E Counselor to be certified for your enrollment. Your VR&E counselor will need to send PCC and the PCC Bookstore an authorization for each term. You will also need to submit your Certification Request.
Does the college have anything in place to offset book costs while awaiting my stipend from the VA?
Bookstore Early Book Purchase Program: You are responsible for all bookstore charges. The early book purchase program allows you to create a debt on your account to purchase books while waiting for GI Bill® money. 24 hours after your Veteran Advisor completes your MyDegreePlan (and within 10 days of the term beginning), you may charge your books to your student account. You will have to pay this back. Identify yourself as a VBR when you are ready to pay and ask to apply the charges to your account. Chapter 31 students may have their books covered by Veteran Readiness and Employment if they provide a copy of their VR&E Authorization. Call 520-206-2266 if there are any questions regarding this process.
Does Pima Community College have/allow VA Work Study?
Yes! Please ask your veteran advisor about current opportunities
When does the VA pay?
The VA pays in arrears/at the end of every month. If you start classes on January 15th, the VA will pay your January payment on February 1.
Why is my January/August payment smaller than the amount I was expecting?
The VA pays by the day. If your classes began January 15, the VA is going to pay 16 days worth of housing stipend for January.
The VA is paying my tuition. Can I get my FAFSA released to me?
Yes - but not until the VA pays your tuition and fees.
Can I use Veteran Benefits at two colleges at the same time?
Yes, but only in certain situations. Contact our office at 520 206 2266 regarding concurrent enrollment.