Funding Available for Child Care
The high cost of child care is no longer a reason to not attend Pima Community College.
Pima’s Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) program can help eligible student-parents with the cost of child care while they are taking classes.
Child care at Pima Desert Vista Campus, 5901 S. Calle Santa Cruz:
- Preschool for ages 3-5 (potty trained)
- Early Head Start for ages 1-2
- Both programs operated by Child Parent Centers, Inc.
- Preschool offers scholarships through CCAMPIS or Pima Early Education Program Scholarships (PEEPs)
- Early Head Start slots are based on income eligibility
- All childcare slots are full-time slots (at least 6 hours per day) at no cost to the parent
- Childcare hours for both programs are M-F 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
- Both programs open during the summer for students taking summer classes
- High-quality child care programs for ages infant to school age also available, but limited to availability through CCAMPIS
Who is eligible for CCAMPIS:
- Students enrolled at Pima Community College
- Legal, physical, custodial parent of a child age birth to 12 years old
- Pima County resident
- Pell Grant recipient or Pell Grant-eligible
- Willing to meet CCAMPIS program requirements
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Maintain a 2.0 GPA
For an application and more information:
Julie Mendivil, CCAMPIS Program Manager
Pueblo Building, Room A-136
Desert Vista Campus, 5901 S. Calle Santa Cruz
Complete the form here: https://tinyurl.com/4zdbckuj
For Spanish Speakers:
Para información en español, comuníquese al 520-206-5338
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