Public Comment and Reports
At Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings
The Pima Community College Governing Board welcomes public comment on issues within the jurisdiction of the College.
Generally, the total time for public comment will be limited to 45 minutes and comments will be limited to three minutes per individual. These time limits may be modified by the Board Chair or Board. Individuals sharing comments are expected to communicate with decorum and respect. Individuals who engage in disorderly conduct or who use derisive or insulting language may have their time reduced or concluded by the Board Chair.
At the conclusion of public comment, individual Board members may respond to criticism made by those who addressed the Board, may ask staff to review a matter, or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda.
Members of the Board, however, may not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during public comment unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action.
Finally, be advised that the College has internal communication processes available to students and employees.
Public Comment Registration
Any member of the public who wishes to address the Pima Community College Governing Board may do so by completing a Public Comment Registration Form.
The comments/questions must include the individual’s name, mailing address, telephone, email address, and comment topic. Their name and comment topic will be included in the meeting records.
The deadline to register for Public Comment is 5:00 PM the day before the scheduled Board meeting.
Upcoming Board Meetings
- Mar. 5, 2025, Governing Board, Regular Meeting: Public Comment Form
How to Access a Board Meeting
Zoom 5.0 option: Registrants can use Zoom 5.0, the latest Zoom software version, to join the meeting and speak. View instructions to download or upgrade your version of Zoom.
Dial-in option: Registrants can use telephone dial-in to join the meeting and speak.
Zoom access information and/or the dial-in phone number will be provided to registered individuals prior to the meeting.