Board Roles & Processes
Duties of the Governing Board
In accordance with the Board Bylaws, the PCC Governing Board selects and evaluates the Chancellor, determines the College mission, establishes a governance model, and adopts policies, priorities, and strategic plans to direct the College. The Board does not make specific operational decisions or approve operational rules; these procedural decisions are made by the Chancellor and those to whom he or she delegates authority. Specific complaints or grievances are handled by such procedures established by the College, not by the Board.
Role of the PCC Board
The Governing Board represents the residents of Pima County. Board members are elected by the voters of each Pima County Supervisorial District. Board members serve six year terms.
The responsibilities of the Governing Board include:
- ensuring that the College fulfills its mission;
- addressing student and community needs;
- meeting the College’s legal and procedural requirements;
- providing appropriate guidance and leadership for the College.
Specifically, Board Policies guide the College's mission and vision, long term goals and priorities; these concentrate on giving the administration essential mandates and limitations, not detailed procedural instruction. The Board also reviews and adopts the College’s annual budget and Strategic Plan.
The Board does not manage the College. Specific procedural decisions used for the daily operation of the College are made by the Chancellor and the administration with input from faculty, staff, and students. There are a limited number of operational decisions which require Board approval; among these are high dollar contracts, major changes in instructional programs, compensation and benefits.
The Board hires the Chancellor, who in turn selects the administration and directs the operation of the College. The Chancellor serves as the primary link between the Board and the College’s day-to-day operations. The Chancellor provides information to the Board that is timely, accurate and clear about key issues that impact the College so that the Board may carry out its legal and oversight duties.
Processes used by the PCC Board
The Board employs procedures to ensure that employees, students and community members have the opportunity to participate, as appropriate, in decision-making. There are six representatives to the Board, who serve in an advisory role: one each from the faculty, adjunct faculty, regular staff, temporary staff, student and administrative groups. Additionally, to achieve effective governance through contribution, cooperation, collaboration, civility, transparency and respect, the Board has established a Governance Council to provide input as requested by the Board and the Chancellor.
The Board acts only by majority vote in public meetings of the entire Board, as reflected in the written minutes and policies it approves. The Board meets once a month; special meetings and study sessions are scheduled as needed. Agendas are posted on the College website prior to all meetings. All Board approved policies are likewise posted in the College Policies section of this website. Currently, the Board has two advisory committees, one for Finance and Audit and a second for Human Resources.
The Board seeks external perspectives. Time is set aside at regular Board meetings for communication from the public, College employees, students, and the Chancellor.
Roles of Officers
The Governing Board elects two officers, a Board Chair and a Vice Chair/Secretary. These officers are elected on a rotating basis each January (or when a vacancy exists), and they serve a two-year term. Decisions are always the responsibility of the Board as a whole.
Roles of the Board Chair. When required by law or when assigned to by the Board, the Board Chair acts on behalf of the Board; the Board Chair also serves as its official spokesperson. Additionally, the Board Chair is responsible for setting Board agendas, presiding at all meetings of the Board and ensuring that the Board completes a yearly self-evaluation and an annual evaluation of the Chancellor. As with all Board members, the Board Chair does not have authority over or responsibility for specific operational decisions of the College.
Roles of the Board Vice Chair/Secretary. The Board Vice Chair/Secretary is responsible for overseeing the records of the Board. The Secretary presides at Board meetings in the absence of the Chair.
You can send email to all PCC Board members by directing your email to boardofgovernors@pima.edu.