Auditing Classes
Students may audit most courses offered by Pima Community College. A student who audits a class does so for the purposes of self-enrichment and academic exploration.
When can you register?
- Fall Semester: August 1
- Spring Semester: December 15
- Summer Semester: May 1
Need to know
- Students auditing pay the same in-state per credit hour tuition rate as classes taken for credit but do not pay registration fees.
- Students may not change their registration status from audit to credit or credit to audit after the last day to drop courses, no exceptions.
- The 50% lifelong learning discount does not apply when auditing a course.
- Payment must be made by the drop deadline or you will be removed from the class.
Audit Registration
- New and former students
- Apply for admissions. Click here for instructions and the application link.
- Then complete the steps below.
- Current Students
- Find the course and section (CRN) you prefer to attend in the class schedule.
- Call 520-206-4737 to register or email pcc-clientservices@pima.edu with your Student ID (A#) and the CRN.
- After your registration is confirmed, pay for the class. Full payment is due at the time of registration. Within MyPima, under Quick Links, select Account Balance/Make a payment.
Contact Us
Need help? Contact pcc-clientservices@pima.edu.