Experimental Second Chance Pell Program
Pima Community College was approved by the U.S. Department of Education to participate in the experimental Second Chance Pell Grant program in June 2022.
The list of participating institutions is available here.
Pima serves students in the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry facility located in Tucson, Arizona. Students participating in the program are screened through the Arizona Department of Corrections Education Department.
The first cohort began courses in the Basic Business Certificate online program during the Fall 2023 semester. A second cohort will begin courses during the Spring 2024 semester. All courses are offered online through a secure Learning Management System.
Students in the program are eligible to receive federal student aid under the provision of the experimental Second Chance Pell Grant program which allows students to receive a Pell Grant to cover tuition, fees, books, supplies, course materials and equipment. Confined or incarcerated individuals are not eligible for student loans or campus-based program funding at PCC at this time. Under the experiment students are not eligible for a student account refund.
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships provides students with information related to student aid eligibility and requirements in person and through a non-graded course shell on the learning management system accessible through the student’s tablet.
Pima Community College anticipates applying for approval to transition from the Experimental Second Chance Pell Program to a Prison Education Program and continue offering the Basic Business Certificate online program. You can find more information about the program approval process here.
- Federal Student Aid - Experimental Sites Initiative
- Second Chance Pell: Four Years of Expanding Access to Education in Prison
- Getting Out of Student Loan Default with Fresh Start - Fact Sheet
- Visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships webpage to access more resources available to Pima students.
Questions about the Second Chance Pell Grant Program? Contact scholarships@pima.edu.