Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate is the representative body of all faculty (full-time and adjunct) that participates in the governance processes of Pima Community College. Our objectives include:
- Strengthening the concept of the faculty as a College entity;
- Promoting the gathering, exchanging, and disseminating of faculty views and concerns regarding College matters;
- Promoting mutual accountability between the College faculty and the faculty representative to any College committee;
- Advising the Chancellor and other administrators of faculty views on College matters;
- Bringing the concerns of the Chancellor and other administrators on College matters to the faculty;
- Promoting the involvement of all faculty members in the establishing, staffing, and functioning of College committees, task forces, or other initiatives; and
- Participating in the policy review process of the College.
- Questions, comments, and/or concerns should be emailed to the Faculty Senate Officer team at pcc-facultysenateofficers@pima.edu
- To request presentation time at a future Faculty Senate meeting please complete this form.
Faculty Senate Officers
Officer | Name |
President | Denise Reilly |
President Elect | Kelly O'Keefe |
Vice President | Dennis Just |
Past President | Rita Lennon |
Secretary | Rosanne Couston |
All College Council Representative | Denise Reilly, Vice Chair, All College Council |
Faculty Board of Governors Representative | Rita Lennon |
Adjunct Faculty Board of Governors Representative | Sean Mendoza |
Adjunct Faculty Sub-Committee Chair | Sean Mendoza |
Faculty Senators
Within each Division is listed each Senator's name, department, with email address and full- or part-time status.
Faculty Senators | |||
Adult Education | |||
Mark Frederick | Adult Basic Education | mfrederick3@pima.edu | FT |
Manal Tafish | Adult Basic Education | mmtafish@pima.edu | FT |
Trina Nuno | tnuno1@pima.edu | ||
Applied Technology | |||
John Gerard | Building & Construction | jjgerard@pima.edu | FT |
Sarah Kirchoff | Automates Industrial Technology | skirchoff@pima.edu | FT |
Adrian Snellgrove | Aviation | asnellgrove@pima.edu | FT |
Arts | |||
Raymond T. Ryder | Music | rryder@pima.edu | FT |
Greg Loumeau | Digital Arts | gjloumeau@pima.edu | PT |
Business, Information Technology & Hospitality Leadership | |||
Vivian Knight | Business | jwu@pima.edu | FT |
Jane Hall | Human Resources | chall@pima.edu | FT |
Sean Mendoza | Computer Software Applications | smendoza@pima.edu | PT |
College Readiness & Student Success | |||
Denise Reilly | Student Success | dreilly1@pima.edu | FT |
Communications | |||
Brooke Anderson | Writing & Literature | bdanderson@pima.edu | FT |
Cynthia Howe | English Second Language | chowe@pima.edu | FT |
April Burge | Writing | aburge@pima.edu | FT |
Maggie Golston | Writing & Humanities | msgolston@pima.edu | FT |
Mayra Cortes-Torres | Spanish | mcortestorres@pima.edu | FT |
Health Professions & Biomedical Sciences | |||
Rita Lennon | Clinical Research Coordinator | rlennon1@pima.edu | FT |
Nikki Robinson | Nursing | nlburzloff@pima.edu | FT |
Christina Schemp | Dental Studies | cschemp@pima.edu | FT |
Stacy Cousins | Nursing | scousins1@pima.edu | PT |
Library | |||
Sol Gomez | Library | sgomez37@pima.edu | FT |
Rosanne Couston | Library | rcouston@pima.edu | FT |
Mathematics | |||
Caroline Torres | Business Calculus and Pre-Calculus | ctorres@pima.edu | FT |
Diane Lussier | Algebra and Calculus | dlussier@pima.edu | FT |
Matej Boguszak | Discrete Math and Calculus | mboguszak@pima.edu | FT |
Allison Stacey | Trig & Calculus | astacey@pima.edu | FT |
PimaOnline | |||
Liz Rangel-Arriola | Spanish | lrangel1@pima.edu | FT |
Sciences | |||
Alex Armstrong | Biology | aeamstrong@pima.edu | FT |
Dennis Just | Physics & Astronomy | djust@pima.edu | FT |
Crystal McKenna | Climate Action and Sustainability | cmckenna3@pima.edu | FT |
Padma Nair | Chemistry | pnair@pima.edu | FT |
Social Sciences, Humanities, & Education | |||
Kimlisa Duchicela | History | kduchicela@pima.edu | FT |
Margarita Youngo | History | myoungo@pima.edu | PT |
Sara Robinson | K12 Education | sandrews11@pima.edu | FT |
Workforce Development | |||
Kelly O'Keefe | Health Information Technology | kokeefe1@pima.edu | FT |
Wright Randolph | Emergency Medical Tech | wrandolph@pima.edu | FT |
Meetings are on the 1st Friday of every month from 1:00pm - 3:00pm while school is in session.
Fall: Aug. 23 (All College Day, 4-5 pm), Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6 (Hyflex meeting at Downtown Campus and Virtual)
Spring: Jan. 14 (All Faculty Day - No Faculty Senate Meeting), Feb. 7, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 2, 1pm-3:30pm, extended length for Faculty Emeritus Honor (In person Only Meeting at Downtwown Campus, Amethyst Room)
Faculty Senate Monthly Meetings
Join Zoom Meeting
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Find your local number: https://pima.zoom.us/u/abAj0fX9xA
Meeting Resources
Senate Resolutions & Statements
- February 2018: Statement on DACA
- October 2013: Disruptive Students
- March 29, 2013: Senate statement concerning the College Board of Governors
- February 1, 2013: Late Registration
Professional Development
Senate Reports
- Audit Policy and Benchmarking Report [PDF]
- Course Materials Summary Table [.xlsx]
- Out-of-County Faculty Senate Report [PDF]
College Policies
- Student Policies and Complaint Processes (Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity, Complaints)
- Faculty Standards and Qualifications (BP-3.01)
- Certifying Faculty Teaching Credit Bearing Courses (AP 3.01.01)
- Employee Handbook