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Gas leak at Downtown Campus: All clear.
A Pima Faculty Member smiles in a courtyard at a Pima Adult Learning Center

Staff Council

Staff Council represents both nonexempt and exempt staff, providing input on behalf of its constituents to the Board and other College-wide groups.

The goals of Staff Council are to:

  • Support staff in the process of continuous improvement for the success of students.
  • Promote mutual accountability, respectful interaction and a supportive, open organizational climate.
  • Advocate on behalf of staff on areas of shared concern or interest.
  • Participate, assist and advise in decision-making processes.
  • Communicate change and initiate new endeavors.
  • Enhance and build community involvement through service.

Bylaws & Election process

Officer Title
Chair Dorothy Netherlin
Vice Chair Erika Elias
Past Chair Jon Wesley
Governing Board Representative   Downi Griner
Secretary Belinda Stevens
Communications and Outreach Officer Emily Ratley
Treasurer Cody Watts
Roll Keeper Celia Tapetillo

Member Roster

Name Term Ends
Area 1 - Chancellor's Office
Bell, Gayle June 2024
Area 2 - Provost and Academic Affairs
Cruce, Antje June 2024
Easter, Brooke June 2025
Rorabaugh, Michele June 2025
Simpson, Lucy June 2024
Stokes, Jill June 2025
Tapetillo, Celia June 2025
Area 3 - Academic Excellence
Johnson, Elizabeth June 2025
Loree, Susan June 2024
Romero, Vanessa June 2025
Phillips, Priscilla June 2024
Area 4 - Information Technology
Mazanec, Milo June 2025
Noyes, Christie June 2024
Area 5 - Human Resources
Watts, Cody June 2024
Area 6 - Finance
Higgins, Michelle June 2025
Varavva, Mariya June 2024
Area 7 - Facilities
Joyce, Katie June 2025
Keefe, Audrey June 2025
Lovato, Sabrina June 2025
Netherlin, Dorothy June 2025
Senne, Therese June 2025
Area 8 - Student Experience and Workforce Development
Elias, Erika June 2025
Gregory, Nichole June 2025
Griner, Downi June 2025
Jackson, Benetta June 2025
Parisoff, Chris June 2025
Phininzy, Maryann June 2025
Rodriguez, Christopher June 2025
Ruiz, Maricruz June 2024
Stevens, Belinda June 2025
Vega, Julian June 2024
Area 9 - External Relations
Clifford, Aurie June 2024
Ratley, Emily June 2025
Tulino, Michael June 2025
Non-voting members
Wesley, Jon

All meetings are virtual, from 8:30-11:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.


  • July 2024 - No meeting
  • August 2, 2024
  • September 2024 - No meeting due to HLC Mock Visit
  • October 4, 2024
  • November 1, 2024
  • December 6, 2024
  • January 3, 2025
  • February 7, 2025
  • March 7, 2025
  • April 4, 2025
  • May 2, 2025
  • June 6, 2025
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