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Gas leak at Downtown Campus: All clear.
An outside image of the entrance of Pima's West campus

Teaching Eligibility

Join Pima Community College's faculty and become part of a team of professionals committed to providing an excellent education to Pima students. 

Regular faculty positions are normally posted in the Fall semester, while adjunct positions are filled year-round.  Any staff instructional positions are posted in with the Administrative / Staff job listings.

Qualification Standards

Pima's faculty qualifications standards are described in Board Policy BP 3.01, Faculty Qualifications Standards. The minimum qualifications standards for both full time and adjunct teaching faculty are largely based on course classification: Academic (Transfer); Developmental; Occupational/Workforce.

The general requirements for teaching in each of these classifications is give below.  For some disciplines, there are exceptions to these requirements or additional requirements that must be met.

Academic (Transfer)

  • Master’s degree in the field of study or
  • Master’s degree in any field with 18 graduate semester hours in the field of study or
  • In-progress doctoral dissertation (proposal defended) in any discipline and 24 graduate semester hours in the field of study.


  • Same qualifications as those listed for Academic or
  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of study or
  • Bachelor’s degree in any field with 24 lower and/or upper division semester credit hours in the field of study.


  • Same qualifications as those listed for Academic or
  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of study or
  • Bachelor’s degree in any field and 3 years of work experience in the field or
  • Associate’s degree in any field and 5 years of work experience in the field or
  • 64 semester credit hours in the field of study and 5 years of work experience in the field or
  • Industry-recognized certification in the field of study and 5 years of work experience in the field or
  • License in the field of study and 5 years of work experience in the field.

Degrees and coursework used to meet these standards should be from colleges or universities accredited by any of the following regional accreditation commissions:

  • The Higher Learning Commission
  • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.
  • Northwest Commission on Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges.  

Questions about these standards?  Contact the Faculty Qualifications and Hiring Office.

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