Accessing College Facilities
Pima Community College is committed to promoting an inclusive campus environment. Below is a description of facilities and accommodations for students, employees, and visitors with disabilities.
Access Routes
Pima endeavors to make all of its facilities and programming accessible to everyone. Campus buildings and facilities comply with ADA standards. PCC maps provide campus access routes.
If you would like to report a barrier, make your comments and suggestions by completing an ADR Comment Card.
American Sign Language Interpreting & Real Time Transcription Services (CART)
Current students may make a request through their ADR Specialist.
Future students, visitors, and members of the public may make a request by contacting ADR, calling 520-206-6688, or emailing interpreting@pima.edu.
Assistive Listening
Campuses have installed permanent assistive listening systems in certain rooms on campus. The list is given below:
- District Office: Board Room C105
- Downtown Campus: Amethyst Community Room CC-180
- East Campus: Community Room L-101 (in process)
- Northwest Campus: Community Room A207
- West Campus: Proscenium Theatre, Black Box Theatre, Recital Hall, Community Room JG-05 (in process)
Contact IT at 520-206-4900 to request and ensure activation at any of the above locations.
With ADR approval, students and community members may borrow personal amplification systems for use in College sponsored activities.
Large Print, Braille and Alternative Format Materials
Students may make a request for alternative format materials through their ADR Specialist.
Future students, visitors, and members of the public may make a request by calling 520-206-6688 or contacting ADR.
Note: Tactile maps for each campus are available on request by contacting ADRhelp@pima.edu, calling 520-206-6688 or by contacting ADR.
Service Animals
Service animals, trained or in training to perform tasks for individuals with disabilities, are generally allowed on campus in all areas where the handler would have access without the animal. For more information on service animals at the college, refer to PCC Service Animal Administrative Procedure.
Contact Us
For access, accommodations, and academic adjustments for students and community members, contact an ADR Office.
Employees should contact the Employee Service Center to request accommodations, 520-206-4945.