Rights & Responsibilities
Equal access to Pima student, faculty, staff and community activities and facilities comes with specific rights and responsibilities. These are detailed here. This information is also available as a PDF.
Qualified Students with Disabilities
Every otherwise qualified student with a disability has the right to:
- Equal access to educational and student programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities
throughout the College. - Accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and services, as determined
on a case-by-case basis, necessary for equal access to programs, services, jobs, activities,
and facilities throughout the College. - Appropriate confidentiality regarding information pertaining to disability, including disability
disclosure, except as permitted or required by law. - Information available in accessible formats.
- Utilize, without retaliation, the specific complaint procedure (AP 3.46.06 Complaint
Procedures for Students with Disabilities) if the student believes that the College is not
providing the appropriate accommodation(s), academic adjustment(s), and/or appropriate
auxiliary aid(s) and services. - Utilize, without retaliation, complaint processes and investigative procedures available at
The Arizona Civil Rights Division of the Attorney General's Office, the Office of Civil Rights at the United States Department of Education, or the United States Department of Justice.
Every qualified student with a disability has the responsibility to:
- Meet the College's qualifications, including essential academic and code of conduct
standards. - Sign an ADR Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) release form if they want
ADR to communicate with third parties regarding their activities related to the College. - Engage with ADR to discuss their disability and related needs if they wish to request
accommodations. - Provide documentation from appropriate professional sources verifying the nature of the
student's disability, functional limitations, and the basis for the specific accommodations
being requested by the student. - Follow the specific procedures for obtaining reasonable and appropriate accommodations,
academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, as outlined in AP 3.46.03 Non-discrimination
of Students on the Basis of Disability - Academic Adjustments and Other Accommodations.
The College
PCC has the right to:
- Maintain the College's academic standards.
- Request qualifying disability documentation in order to determine eligibility for disability
accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids requested by the student. - Discuss the student's eligibility with diagnosing professionals, given a signed consent from
the student. - Select from among equally effective/appropriate accommodations, adjustments and/or
auxiliary aids in consultation with the student. - Deny requests for accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids (1) when
disability documentation does not verify the existence of a disability, or (2) a student is
unable to present documentation to establish the need for the requested service(s). - Deny requests for accommodations, adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids that are
inappropriate, including any that:- Constitute a fundamental change or alteration of an essential course element/program
standard; or - Pose a direct threat to the health and safety of the student or others that cannot be
adequately reduced or eliminated by reasonable accommodation; or - Pose undue financial or administrative burden on the College.
- Constitute a fundamental change or alteration of an essential course element/program
PCC has the responsibility to:
- Provide or arrange accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids.
- Notify the student of decisions regarding eligibility status and accommodation
approval/denial in writing. - Provide information to students with disabilities in accessible formats upon request.
- Give primary consideration to the specific type of auxiliary aid or service requested by a
student. - Ensure that courses, programs, services, jobs, activities and facilities, when viewed in their
entirety, are accessible to and useable by students in the most integrated setting
appropriate to the needs of the individual student. - Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communication except where permitted
or required by law. - Not retaliate against, coerce, intimidate, threaten or interfere with any student for exercising
their rights under ADA, ADAAA, or Section 504.