Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Career Advancement Network
At Pima Community College, we are dedicated to connecting you to all the tools and resources you qualify for. If you are an IBEST for PimaFastTrack student receiving SNAP benefits, the SNAP CAN program can help you increase your ability to complete college and secure a career that provides a living wage, supporting both you and your family's economic prosperity.
What is SNAP CAN?
The SNAP CAN program provides support services to assist you in navigating your career journey and offers financial resources so you can concentrate on achieving your goals. It can assist with expenses such as:
- transportation,
- test fees,
- utilities, and more!
Importantly, your SNAP eligibility will not be impacted when you use these benefits. Also know that SNAP CAN is here to help everyone who qualifies and by accessing these benefits you are not taking away resources from anyone else.
Who can participate in SNAP CAN?
SNAP CAN is a voluntary program. Should you choose to participate, you must meet the following criteria to become a SNAP CAN participant
To participate in SNAP CAN, you must: |
You may not participate in SNAP CAN if you are receiving the following: |
Get Started Today
Interested in learning more about SNAP CAN and how it can help you tap into the resources you qualify for? Complete this short interest form to have a staff member reach out with more information.
Everybody needs help sometimes, and we are here to help!
Not currently receiving SNAP benefits?
Not currently receiving SNAP benefits but curious to explore eligibility requirements and gather more information?
Dive into the details of qualification and start your application process here.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The USDA nondiscrimination statement is available here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to pay back the support offered through SNAP CAN?
No, the support that is given to you through SNAP CAN does not need to be paid back.
Will SNAP CAN benefits negatively affect my SNAP benefits?
No, your participation in SNAP CAN does not negatively affect your SNAP benefits.
Will SNAP CAN benefits negatively affect the financial aid I receive from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
No, your financial aid will not be impacted by SNAP CAN.
What if I am not an IBEST or PimaFastTrack student?
Unfortunately, SNAP CAN is not able to serve students outside of these two programs. Please speak with your advisor to learn more about other resources available to you. However, the goal is that SNAP CAN will grow to serve other students across the college soon. We will update this webpage when that happens.