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El Rio Learning Center: All Clear. Continue normal business.
TRiO team poses for a photo


TRiO SOAR is a Student Support Services TRiO program at PCC East Campus. It provides academic advising, tutoring, advising, transfer and career help, financial aid advising, and student development. We become a one-stop shop for navigating the larger college experience, and making it a little more like a family. With SOAR, you are not alone!


  • We provide support services to students with disabilities - anything recognized by ADR and the ADA counts: Learning disabilities, vision and hearing disabilities, physical disabilities, PTSD, and more.
  • Students should want to and be able to earn a degree, as that is the goal of all SSS programs
  • We become the Program Advisor for our students, in tandem with their content advisors, and we practice intensive case management
  • Our tutoring is appointment-based and individualized. Students can get to know their tutor, and relax, knowing that they have the time to get their academic needs met

Pima Community College TRiO program participantsEligibility Requirements

  • You must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • You must not already have a Bachelor's degree
  • You must plan to earn, and be able to earn, a degree or certificate from PCC, not just transfer classes, or classes for interest
  • You must be able to take PCC classes - you will need to complete the college entrance assessments, or complete Multiple Measures, and if you test below our developmental level, you will need to build your skills up before you can join us. If you have questions about this or any other qualifier, contact us anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What disabilities would allow me to be in your program?

  • Any disability covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act works for us! If you aren't sure, email us!
  • Some examples of disabilities include: learning disabilities, hearing and vision disabilities, physical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, PTSD, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

Do I have to be an East Campus student to be a part of TRiO SOAR?

  • Nope! When we are in person, we are housed at East Campus, and all our services are at East, but we can serve any student who is willing to come to us, or work with us virtually. We take students from anywhere in the college except Desert Vista as they have programs just like ours, and we help students pursuing any major.

Pima Community College TRiO program graduateI think I have a disability, but I don't have a way to show that. What can I do?

  • You DO need to be able to document a disability to be able to apply to our program, but you can get documentation and a diagnosis now, even if you don't have something already.
  • Many disabilities can be documented by a doctor. You can ask a doctor if they are able to do an evaluation for you.
  • You can get tested for a learning disability or spectrum disorder by a professional evaluator if you are able to pay.

How to Apply

Complete the application to get started!

Contact Us

Text: 520-338-8009
Call: 520-206-7625
PCC East Campus, 8181 E Irvington Rd., Tucson AZ, 85709-4000
100% funded by the U.S. Department of Education
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