The Facilities Department plans, develops, and maintains buildings and infrastructure for students, employees and the community with a focus on comfort, health, safety, regulatory compliance and sustainability.
Campus Operations
Campus Operations is responsible for the day to day operations, for college campuses, support sites, and learning centers. Campus staff provide repairs, utility/digital controls monitoring, event setups and respond to facilities issues including after hours 24/7 on-call services accessed through College Police Dispatch (520) 206-2710.
Facilities requires that all vendors and contractors submit a record of their visit to a PCC location. A unique submission is required upon arrival and another when leaving the site.
Environmental Health & Safety
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) provides services, resources, and training to minimize health, safety, and environmental risks. including hazardous waste management, custodial services, fire life safety, lab safety support, and ergonomic review.
Facilities Infrastructure
Facilities Infrastructure is responsible for maintenance and repair of buildings, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, security and access college wide with a focus on reducing energy consumption.
Facilities Operations
Facilities Operations is responsible for meeting Facilities business needs including: facilities use, fleet and motor pool, mail and courier, move logistics, transportation, material management, help desk,real estate, program management, and regulatory compliance.
Facilities Planning
Facilities Planning is responsible for meeting the college’s capital planning/construction, and project management needs. Overseeing design standards, wayfinding, building codes, furniture/equipment layouts, accessibility, and physical specifications across the District.
Click here for information related to:
- Current Projects
- Live Construction Video
- Current RFQs / RFPs / Bids
- Contractor / Consultant Information
- Design & Specification Standards
Work Control / Access Control
Facilities Work Control serves as the principal contact and liaison between Facilities departments and the College customers. Service requests are dispatched to the proper Facilities personnel so a work order can be created and scheduled for completion.
Access Control is responsible for access to physical spaces at the College. The physical security of the College community is essential to protect the assets of the College and ensure a safe environment for students, faculty and staff.
Organizational Chart
The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Facilities reports up to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. To view the Facilities unit organizational structure, click the link below.