PCC Police Department
The Pima Community College Police Department is a fully certified law enforcement agency, with authority granted by the College’s Governing Board and Arizona Revised Statutes.
All officers are certified by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) and have received a minimum 585 hours basic peace officer training. College police officers are armed and have full peace officer authority and powers of arrest in the state of Arizona.
Police officers and Community Service Officers (CSOs) have distinctive uniforms and photo IDs.
Administrative offices and the Communications Center are located at Pima's Maintenance and Security Facility. The Communications Center is staffed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and monitors security and fire alarms college wide and serves as a primary point-of-contact for department services (college police assistance, suspicious activity, lost and found, also see: Additional Services).
PCC Police also maintain offices at all five campuses.
Campus Patrols
Routine patrol outside College property is provided by the Tucson Police Department (TPD) or the Pima County Sheriff's Department (PCSD), although normal patrol patterns may overlap adjunct to college property.
On-duty College police officers traveling outside the routine patrol areas on official College business may take appropriate law enforcement actions as necessary in the absence of available TPD or PCSD officers.
Additional Services
Pima Community College Police provides personal services in the following areas:
- Visitor information.
- Battery jumps.
- First aid services.
- Control lost and found property.
- Escorts people with large amounts of money.
- Store items of value short term for safekeeping.
- PCC Police officers are available for educational programs upon request.
If you're interested in... |
Campus Security On our Reports page, read the PCC Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and view recent Crime Logs |
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Behavioral Assessment Team The Behavioral Assessment Team is interdisciplinary group using approach to assess and manage concerning behavior affecting the campus environment. |