Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials constitutes infringement and may subject students to civil and criminal liabilities. In the file-sharing context, this includes downloading or uploading copyrighted files (including music, films, games, software, graphics, etc.) without authority via file-sharing programs, such as BitTorrent, UTorrent, etc.
Individuals who illegally upload and download copyrighted files, even unintentionally, may be subject to civil penalties of between $750 and $150,000 per file. Intentional copyright infringement may also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
Unauthorized distribution or receipt of copyrighted material is also a violation of PCC Student Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use of IT Resources policy. That policy requires all network users to comply with copyright law. It also provides that "Illegally downloading copyrighted material, or violating any license agreement or intellectual property rights in any way" constitutes a violation of the policy.
Students who engage in unauthorized file sharing using the College information technology system are subject to a full range of disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion.
Copyright Resources & Public Domain Materials
- More information about copyright & public domain and legal sources of materials
- Copyright Resources (PCC Libraries)
- Legal sources of digital entertainment (video, music and/or TV shows)
- Legal Music and Video Sources (Cornell University)
- Legal Sources of Online Content (EDUCAUSE)
Policies and Procedures
- PCC Board Policy BP 6.05: Copyright
- PCC Administrative Procedure 6.05.01: Copyright Practice and Compliance
- PCC Student Code of Conduct
- Acceptable Use of PCC IT Resources
- U.S. Copyright Office FAQ