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Form 1098-T FAQ

I received a 1098-T form in the mail. Do I owe money to the College?

No, the 1098-T form is not a bill it is a tax form. Please review your MyAccountManager for your current Student Account balance. 

Which semesters are included on the 1098-T form?

The 1098-T tax form reports qualified student transactions that occurred during the prior tax year (January 1st to December 31st) and is not term specific. 

My payments for tuition and fees are different from what is reported on my 1098-T form. Why?

The total Payments Received includes payments from any source up to the total Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE) for the calendar year. QTRE includes tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance. Under IRS guidelines, bookstore charges, materials and supplies, and insurance are not QTRE.

What is included in the reporting of Scholarships and Grants?

Scholarships and grants generally include all payments received from third parties, excluding family members and loan proceeds. This includes payments from governmental and private entities such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, civic and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities.

Can I get my 1098-T online?

The 1098-T form is available electronically in your MyPima MyAccountManager.  It is listed under Statements.

Why didn't I receive a 1098-T form?

You will not receive a 1098-T if any of the following criteria apply.

  • You are enrolled exclusively in non-credit courses.
  • You have an expired or inactive mailing address in MyPima. Update your mailing address in MyPima by selecting the Home tab and then selecting Update Personal Information in the Personal Info section.
  • You have not provided the College with your Social Security number (see the next question).
  • You did not make any payments towards qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) incurred during the reporting year. 

Why do I need to provide my Taxpayer ID to receive a 1098-T?

The IRS requires all 1098-T forms to include the Taxpayer ID (Social Security Number) of the student. Students generally enter their Social Security Number (SSN) on their admissions application.

Where can I find more information on the IRS form 1098-T?

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