Tuition and fee refunds
Refund Process
Financial Aid
Refunds for financial aid are processed weekly, typically on Thursdays for students with a financial aid credit balance. Pima has 14 days from the time the disbursement posts to your student account to determine if any adjustments should be made to your financial aid. Please note: If your credit is due to an enrollment change, your financial aid will be reviewed.
Self Pay
Refunds are processed weekly starting one week after the semester drop deadline. Credits are first applied to outstanding charges, including those in other terms. If you paid by credit or debit card, your refund will be issued to the card you used. Due to a change with our payment processor, all card payments older than 1 year will be refunded via eRefund or Digital Check. If you paid by check, please allow 10 days for your check to clear before your refund is issued. Cash payments are refunded via eRefund or Digital Check.
Refund Methods
eRefunds: Get your refund directly deposited to your bank account by enrolling with your routing and account number.
Digital Check: If you are not enrolled in eRefunds, an email from our third-party partner, Checkbook, containing a link to your Digital Check will be sent directly to your Pima student email account. From this email, you can select Instant Deposit to initiate an Original Card Transaction (OCT) deposit to your debit card or enter your address to request a check be mailed to you.
Uncashed refund checks
Your refund check is valid for 90 days. Communications regarding uncashed checks will be to your Pima student email account.
If you receive a check as a result of financial aid disbursement but don’t cash it before it becomes stale-dated, the funds must be returned to the Department of Education. College policy is to return loan funds first, then grant funds, then other funds. Depending on federal regulations, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships may not be able to reissue those funds to you.
If the source of your payment was your own funds and your refund check is not cashed, the funds may be sent to the state as unclaimed property.