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Form 1098-T

The IRS Form 1098-T is a tuition statement used by all colleges and universities to report educational expenses in the preceding calendar year to the IRS and most students. If you are a college student paying tuition, you will likely receive a Form 1098-T. The 1098-T is prepared for the student and only the student can grant parent or guardian access through their MyAccountManager. Learn more about the 1098-T by checking out our FAQ page or going to the IRS 1098-T web page.

Your Form 1098-T can be accessed electronically through your secure MyAccountManager by completing the “Consent & Agreement” within the MyAccount tab. Electing electronic delivery means sensitive personal information is not mailed or subject to mail delivery delays. 1098-T tuition statements are published electronically and mailed by January 31st. 

The IRS requires that Form 1098-T contain the student’s taxpayer identification number or social security number (TIN/SSN) as well as your mailing address. If your TIN/SSN  is not on file at Pima, we will attempt to notify you by mail to the address listed in your MyPima. To ensure all correspondence from the College reaches you, it is important to periodically review the address listed in your MyPima. 

Note for international students: The IRS does not require Pima to file a Form 1098-T for foreign students who are not US residents. However, Pima cannot definitively determine which foreign students are residents and is required to provide a 1098-T to resident alien students upon request. Therefore, 1098-T forms are provided to all students who have a reportable transaction, including foreign students who may or may not be eligible for an education tax benefit.


Box 1 displays the amount of Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE) you paid during the reporting year. Form 1098-T tuition statements reports payments received up to the cost of qualified eligible tuition expenses charged during the reported calendar year. 

  • Box 1 shows the total Payments Received from any source (including financial aid, scholarships, exemptions, and third-party arrangements) for QTRE. This amount is reduced by reimbursements or refunds issued.    
  • Box 4 shows an adjustment made for a prior year for QTRE that was reported on a prior year Form 1098-T. 
  • Box 5 reports Scholarships or Grants administered and processed. 
  • Box 6 shows adjustments to Scholarships or Grants for a prior year. 
  • Box 7 will be checked if the amount in Box 1 includes amounts for an academic period beginning January – March of the next reporting year. Example: You register and pay for Spring 2023 classes during 2022.
  • Box 8 shows whether you are considered to be carrying at least one-half of the normal full-time workload for your course of study.

See the FAQ page for more information.

Contact the Accounts Receivable Services office with any questions.

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