Academic Standards
Good Academic Standing
The College has a minimum academic requirement for all credit earning students. Students who maintain a 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate cumulatively remain in good academic standing. Completion rate is calculated by dividing the number of credits that a student has attempted against the number of credits they have completed. Withdrawals and re-takes are included in this calculation.
Students that are identified as International or Athlete may be held to higher or more restrictive requirements.
Students academic records are reviewed at the end of each semester. This evaluation determines the student's academic standing for the upcoming semester. Students will be notified by PCC email if they have not maintained good academic standing.
- Students receiving Federal Financial Aid must also meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Students receiving Veteran Education Benefits must also meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress
Academic Warning, Probation and Restriction
If a student does not meet the minimum academic requirements, they will be placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation or Academic Restriction. Here's what these statuses mean.
Academic Warning
At this time your cumulative GPA has fallen below 2.0 and your completion rate is less than 67%. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your academic standing, you are encouraged to contact a Counselor or Advisor.
To remove the hold on placed on your account:
- Login and complete an Online Student Lingo module.
- Student Lingo has nine choices of online modules. Think of the skills/strategies you are interested in enhancing to impact your student success this semester. Chose one module that best meets your goals.
- Select and complete one Student Lingo module, including:
- Complete the end of module assessment
- Complete the end of module evaluation
- Print or take a screenshot the certificate of completion
- Next, either submit the certificate of completion to virtualsupport@pima.edu or bring it to your nearest campus counseling department. Once your certificate is received please allow 24 hours to remove the hold.
Academic Probation
Probation means you have remained below a cumulative 2.0 GPA and 67% completion rate for a second semester following Academic Warning. This is preventing you from staying on track with your graduation plans.
To remove the hold placed on your account:
PCC is concerned about your academic standing. In order to get you back on track, we are requiring you to meet with either a Counselor or Advisor to discuss your goals and review success strategies. Please make an appointment with a Counselor or Advisor.
Academic Restriction
Academic Restriction means you have fallen below a 2.0 GPA for the most recent semester completed. Restriction occurs after being placed on Academic Probation at some point during your time in college.
To remove the hold placed on your account:
PCC is concerned about your academic success towards graduation. We are requiring you to meet with either a Counselor or Program Advisor to discuss your academic and career goals. Please make an appointment with the Counselor or Advisor you are working with now or have worked with in the past.