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Students walk between the breezeways at Pima's West Campus

Use of Chosen Name and Personal Pronouns

Pima Community College students and employees may choose to identify themselves within the College community using a chosen first name that differs from their official/legal name. A student or employee's chosen name will appear instead of the person's official/legal first name in select College-related systems and documents, provided that the name is not being used for the purpose of misrepresentation.

  • To update your chosen first name, login to MyPima, under the Student Resources capsule, choose "Update Contact Information"


The College recognizes that many members of its community use names other than their legal or official names first provided to the College (official/legal name) to identify themselves. For some students and employees, a chosen name may be an important component of their identity. Therefore, the College has established guidelines that allow students and employees to indicate their chosen first names to the College community even if they have not changed their official/legal names.

Chosen Name Guidelines

A student or employee’s chosen name will appear instead of the person’s official/legal name in select College-related systems and documents, provided that the name is not being used for the purpose of misrepresentation. The official/legal name will continue to be used in all College-related systems and documents that require a verified legal name.

Chosen names will be used in the following systems and records:

  • MyPima
  • Faculty Class and Grade Rosters (for students and employees taking courses)
  • D2L Rosters
  • Faculty Attendance Rosters through MyPima

Official/Legal names will continue to be used for official College records, including but not limited to the following:

  • Legal Documents and Reports Produced by the Student Accounts Office
  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Documents
  • Diplomas
  • Transcripts
  • Enrollment Verifications
  • Student Employment Documents
  • Employment Verifications
  • Employment Documents
  • Paychecks, W2s, and other Payroll documents
  • Benefits Enrollment

To change your legal name, or make corrections to your SSN or date of birth, complete a Personal Information Update form.

Personal Pronoun

Pima Community College students and employees may choose to identify themselves within the College community using a personal pronoun of their choice.

  • To update your personal pronoun, login to MyPima, under the Student Resources capsule, choose "Update Contact Information"
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