PCC Behavior Assessment Team
Need help right now?
If you feel there is an immediate threat or emergency, call 911 or the PCC Police at 520-206-2700. More information is available on the PCC Police department page.
To report a Person of Concern, please complete the Online Referral Form Here.
Please note: This form does not take the place of calling the police. If you feel someone is a danger to themselves or others, please call the police first and then complete the form. If it is not an emergency situation, please just complete this form.
What is the PCC Behavior Assessment Team (BAT)?
The BAT is a multidisciplinary team that guides the college community in effectively assessing and addressing concerning and/or threatening behavior. Pima Community College is committed to the safety of all members of the college community. The Behavior Assessment Team (BAT) engages in proactive and collaborative approaches to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with students, faculty, staff, and visitors exhibiting concerning behaviors and/or communications. By partnering with members of the community, the Behavior Assessment Team strives to promote individual student, faculty, and staff wellbeing and success while prioritizing community safety.
The Behavior Assessment Team can:
- Provide consultation and support to faculty, staff, administration, and students in assisting individuals who display concerning or disruptive (extreme or recurring) behaviors;
- Gather information to assess situations involving individuals who display concerning or disruptive (extreme or recurring) behaviors;
- Communicate with community partners when appropriate and necessary;
- Educate and empower the campus community to recognize, report, and effectively address concerning, dangerous, disturbing and/or threatening behaviors;
- Recommend appropriate intervention strategies (make recommendations consistent with college policies and procedures);
- Connect individuals with needed campus and community resources and;
- Monitor ongoing behavior of individuals who have displayed disruptive (extreme or recurring) or concerning behavior.
Concerning behaviors include the following:
- Direct threat of harm (Contact PCC police if this is an immediate safety concern.)
- Indirect threat of harm
- Suicidal ideation (Contact PCC police if this is an immediate safety concern.)
- Issues with emotional wellbeing
- Substance abuse
- Extremist behavior
Please refer to the BAT if you notice any of these behaviors. For immediate help or if you feel threatened, call 911 or the PCC Police at 520-206-2700.
Additional Information on BAT
PCC employees can access a Google Slides presentation that can be found on the PCC Employee Intranet for additional information.
Please complete the online referral form [Report a Person of Concern].
Do I refer to the BAT in emergency situations?No - please call 911 or campus police at 520-206-2700 if you feel there’s an immediate threat. (You can file a BAT report after you contact the police if you would like BAT to be aware of the issue. )
Will a person find out I referred them to the BAT?Members of the BAT will not tell individuals referred to us who referred them.
How do I know if it is a BAT issue or something more appropriately handled by another department?
You don’t have to determine that - we can do it for you. Faculty and staff are expected to handle minor disruptions. However, if the situation is more than a minor disruption and meets any of the criteria listed above, please refer to BAT and we will determine the best course of action.
Is reporting to BAT the same as reporting to PCC Student Conduct?
No, a BAT referral does not replace reporting to PCC Student Conduct. Use the Incident Reporting form to report an alleged violation of the PCC Student Code of Conduct.
What happens after a referral is made?It depends on the situation. If there is an immediate threat, College Police will take action. If there does not appear to be an immediate threat, the BAT will assess the risk and determine an appropriate course of action. When you submit a BAT referral via the online reporting form, you will automatically receive a copy of the report you submitted. However, please keep in mind that someone from the BAT may or may not contact you about your report. If we have more questions, we will follow up with you. Due to the nature of this work, we do not as practice provide updates on our assessment of a referral or on the outcome of a report.
If I’m approached by someone who is in a concerning state or situation and they want to confide in me, what should I keep in mind?
Don’t promise confidentiality. Let the person know that you will consult officials at the College who can best assist them but that you will keep it on a need to know basis. Also, know that you don’t have to handle this on your own. If there appears to be an immediate threat and/or an immediate safety concern, call 911 or campus police at 520-206-2700. In less immediate but still concerning situations, please refer to the BAT using the link above.
How does a student connect with a counselor?
- PCC Counselors provide short-term counseling services for students that focus on both personal challenges and academic success. Counselors are assigned to support students based upon their program of study. Students can identify their assigned counselor by signing in to PimaConnect and navigating over to My Success Network. You can use this form to request PCC Counseling services.
- PCC also provides 24/7 free counseling support to students through the Student Wellness Assistance Program provider for up to 6 free sessions, per issue, annually, per student, with virtual or face to face options. Student Wellness Assistance can be reached at 1-833-251-9941. Additional information is also available through students' MyPima account. To access the program: Go to the MyPima Students Tab > Student Resources > Student Wellness Assistance.
PCC Resources
Tucson Resources
National Resources
- US Department of Education - Office for Civil Rights
- Office on Violence Against Women
- Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)
- Stalking Resource Center
Immediate Crisis Support
- Safety or Medical Emergency: Dial 911
- PCC Police: 520-206-2700
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
- Crisis Counselors Call Center (24-hour crisis line): 1-800-273-8255 OR text “ANSWER” to 839863
For additional questions, please email any of the following: