Traffic Regulations
The PCC College Police Department has the authority to enforce the College state, county and city parking and traffic regulations and to issue parking and traffic citations.
As a student, you are responsible for reading and understanding the College's parking and traffic regulations.
Parking and traffic citations issued by PCC DPS may be appealed if a request for an appeal hearing is submitted within 7 days of the citation. Students and employees must file an appeal using the online form found in MyPima (students: Student Life tab; Employees: @Work tab). The general public may call 206-2671 to schedule a hearing. Additional information on appeals and fine procedures is found on the College's parking and traffic regulations page.
In accordance with A.R.S. 15-1444C, all vehicles allowed to park in any Pima Community College parking lot must comply with the emissions standard as stated in A.R.S. 49-542. Out-of-county or out-of-state students, when they register, are required to sign an affidavit that states their vehicle meets the Arizona emission standards. If a vehicle is not on record as complying, it is subject to being towed at the owner's expense.