Workplace Discrimination/Harassment
Pima County Community College District is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to excellence through diversity. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
Affirmative Action (AA)/ Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): The College's Affirmative Action planning is the responsibility of the Human Resources Office. Learn more about AA and EEO processes and contacts.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The Access and Disability Resources Office is responsible for College-wide coordination of ADA compliance. The office manages the ADA accommodation request process. Also, the ADA anti-discrimination complaint process for both employees and students is managed through this office. Learn more about ADA processes and contacts.
Concerns or Complaints: In addition to the College offices given above, the Office of Dispute Resources (ODR) serves as a resource to all members of the College community. This office is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable anti-discrimination laws, both federal and state. ADA, EEO or AA complaints or concerns can be routed to this office.
Title IX: This federal law prohibits educational institutions receiving federal financial assistance from discriminating against individuals, excluding them from participating in, or denying them the benefits of the institution's education programs and activities on the basis of sex. Although Title IX is commonly associated with students' rights, it also protects employees and prohibits sex-based discrimination in an institution's hiring and employment practices.
For more information about employees' rights under Title IX, please contact:
David Rucker, PHR, MPA
Human Resources Business Partner, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Human Resources (Employees)
Phone: 520.206.4972, drucker2@pima.edu